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Joe Biden announces he will not seek reelection in 2024 presidential race

President Joe Biden waves on stage during the Vote To Live Properity Summit at the College of Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada, on July 16, 2024. | Credit: KENT NISHIMURA/AFP via Getty Images

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jul 21, 2024 / 14:15 pm (CNA).

President Joe Biden on Sunday said he would not seek reelection, conceding to growing calls in his party to bow out of the race after a highly criticized debate against GOP nominee Donald Trump in June.

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president,” Biden said in a July 21 statement posted on X. “And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term.”

Biden added that he would speak to the nation later in the week about the details of his decision.

The Democratic president has since last month been facing growing calls from his party and from supporters to bow out of the 2024 race amid concerns that he will be unable to serve another four years as president.

Democratic officials and major party boosters began sounding the alarm after the first 2024 presidential debate last month when Biden repeatedly lost his train of thought and struggled to articulate his vision for the country.

Multiple Democratic U.S. senators have called for Biden to pull out of the race, as have Democratic members of the U.S. House including California Rep. Adam Schiff. Flurries of media reports have indicated that former Speaker of the House California Rep. Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama have also been pushing Biden to bow out.

High-ranking donors and boosters have also been backing away from the Democratic Party amid fears that Biden remaining in the race could have devastating down-ballot effects for lower candidates. Actor George Clooney, a longtime Democratic fundraiser, said in the New York Times earlier this month that Democrats are “not going to win in November with this president.”

Clooney urged the top Democrats to “ask this president to voluntarily step aside” so the party can mount a last-minute nomination effort for another candidate.

Big donors also pulled their money from Democratic campaigns in the hopes of forcing Biden out. Filmmaker Abigail Disney this month said she would halt all Democratic donations “unless and until they replace Biden at the top of the ticket.”

The New York Times, meanwhile, reported this month that big-ticket donors were holding upwards of $90 million from a Biden super PAC until the president resigned from the race.

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  1. Shocking! Who could have possibly seen this coming? Maybe Kamala will pick Michelle Obama as a VP, get 8, then Michelle can get 8. That would be 30 years for the Obama’s controlling the White House. Not too shabby…

    • They might do better with Michelle at the top of the ticket! Whatever the outcome this election will probably be a loss for Christians and democracy.

    • I would love to see how much communication goes from the administration of the 46th President to the 44th President. It’s not like Obama never evaded the restrictions of his authority before (DACA, etc) before, so why should the 22nd Amendment get in the way?

  2. It’s sayonara time for the meat puppet! Joe Robinette Biden has FINALLY bit the dust; and he won’t be back and he WON”T be missed. Ain’t it amazing? That Biden lasted as long as he did with all the baggage he carried was truly astounding. Reputed to be a serial plagiarist by some pundits and the United State’s most mediocre politician extant by other pundits plus his well-earned reputation as a many-times-over incredible liar-in-chief by many others seem to have done him in. And then his cultivated (by him) reputation as a “Devoted Catholic;” woe, that’s one for the books! Especially that meme about how much he did to deliver the goods for women who desired “healthcare” while Biden worked OVERTIME to legalize abortion for all the pregnant women. GOOD RIDDANCE to Joe B. Now bring in Kamala; Can’t wait for the verbal bloodshed about to ensue @ the hands of Donald J. Trump.God bless all.- RITE_TURN ROGER

    • I say adios to the weak president. He needs much consoling from us Catholics. After nearly 5 decades in the congress and higher office later he had his time. Hopefully he will now have the time to reflect on his abortion stance wth counceling from his Cardinal.

      You say “his well-earned reputation as a many-times-over incredible liar-in-chief by many others seem to have done him in”. That is seriously out of reality. Trump has the corner of prolific liars. We Catholic politicals seem to cast HATE on anyone in opposition when in decline. Remember, some day we ALL will face our creator.

      • “Trump has the corner of prolific liars.”

        From what you’ve said in other comments, you are in your 70s (or older?). Were you around in the 1970s, ’80s, ’90s, etc.? Biden’s lying, plagiarizing, bullying, and related actions are possibly unequaled in terms of batty craziness and sheer quantity. Anyone who paid attention to his 1988 presidential campaign, or the Bork hearings, or the Thomas hearings, knows that his relationship with truth is somewhere in the “seventh cousin twice removed” category. You can start here for lists of a few hundred of Biden’s lies.

        • Ok, can reply now. I am not going to defend Biden. I will give some critical lies of major consequence by each.
          Factcheck, Associated Press and Forbes:

          Biden: he seems to issue exaggerations and embellishments rather than outright lies. “Maybe”.

          TRUMP: President Donald Trump told 30,573 false or misleading statements over 4 years. Based on this number, he is clearly a prolific liar.

          Trump said there were a small number of “PROPLE” at the Capitol on 1/6. That’s false. The attack on the U.S. Capitol was the deadliest assault on the seat of American power in over 200 years. As thoroughly documented by video, photographs and people who were there, thousands of people descended on Capitol Hill in what became a brutal scene of hand-to-hand combat with police. (also, Trump said “I am your retribution, I will pardon the convicted hostages”.

          Trump Charlottesville: After the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017: “I think there are fine people on both sides.”


          BIDEN: “The truth is, I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any — this decade — any troops dying anywhere in the world like he did.” FALSE. At least 16 service members have been killed in hostile action since Biden took office in January 2021. On Aug. 26, 2021, 13 died during a suicide bombing at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan.

          Science America:
          Trump: More than 400,000 Americans died of COVID-19 under Trump’s watch. I don’t remember hearing that number, but I do remember how he acted and what Trump said. “it will just go away. You could inject a houshold cleaner to clear your lungs”.

          The border
          Trump and Biden: Trump tried to build a wall taking $3 billion from the military budget which was appropriated for improving the the housing for military families. Biden waited until it was too late and had to issue an executive order.

          Social Security

          Both candidates erred on Social Security, with Biden incorrectly saying that Trump “wants to get rid” of the program, and Trump falsely alleging that Biden will “wipe out” Social Security due to the influx of people at the border.

          Given this scenario who could you vote for? VP Harris now seems to be the “ONLY” probable candidate. She knew of such.

    • Debates are about the dumbest inventions ever. They explicate nothing of substance. A poll taken of the Nixon/Kennedy debate on radio gave the majority approval winning the debate to Nixon; those watching on TV gave the majority approval to Kennedy. Says an awful lot about appearances over substance. And, besides, any debate conducted by the Big Media is totally biased. Lastly, voting in this country has been debased by a. Early voting; b. Voting by mail; c. Allowing illegals to vote; d. Not requiring a photo id to vote e. Allowing the dead to cast a ballot.

      • I submit to you, that for all the reason you cited, and the vast amount of people dependent upon the federal government for significant and conspicuous benefits, some in the projects, some on Main Street, some on K Street and Wall Street-all elections are rigged.

        Mencken may have been a cynical nihilist; but that dim view of life made him a rather perspicuous expositor of government. His quip about ever election neing an auction in advance of stolen goods seems to have aged well.

      • I must disagree – the Biden-Trump debate showed the whole world what has been obvious for a few years now but the democrats were trying to hide it – Joe Biden is in advanced cognitive decline and it will not get better – it will only get worse.

        I find the fact that he is the President and that Kamala Harris stands in the doorway waiting for the sign frightening.

        Pray for our country

      • I liked how Trump remembered and brought that union guy up on stage in Grand Rapids. This EV thing will help him in MI, I believe.

    • Organized abortion in the US is the murder of American children killing the Union. Legalized abortion at any stage in pregnancy, is, lying about it using corrupted law.

      Now we are in the present looking at the future. Whether or not he gets elected, Trump has taken his place, his turn, managing the baby killing. And telling lies. Later he might want to be the “hero who moderately came back in pro-life” and brought others along too; when everything else will supposed to have been water under the bridge.

  3. I think that Trump will still win, but Harris will be more competitive. Look for Trump to win, but by a smaller margin. Interestingly, Trump is now the “old one.”

    • He’ll have to get up at the debate and say” I will not use my opponent’s youth and inexperience…” (who already used that line in another debate?)

  4. Listen up Democrats! Forget the President like he has forgotten you. It’s over. Put on your masks, take another vaccine and get behind Harris! Stop acting like you voted for someone else! Honestly, enough! The big donors amd media have spoken. Please do what you are told – it’s for your own good.

  5. Athanasius: Your 3:12 a.m. – “You can’t make this stuff up.”

    Sorry, but I gotta disagree – and it’s gonna get worse.

    BTW – my favorite Ice Cream is vanilla w/specks and just a tad of maple syrup.


  6. Russel. Trump may still convince his MAGA bunch that he is mentally sound. We can’t forget the sinking electric boat and the shark at a campaign stop in Detroit. He could not remember his WH doctor’s name. Randy Johnson in stead of Ronnie Jackson. More importantly, he lied profusly.

    Some Factchecks:

    Immigrants are “coming from prisons, they’re coming from jails, they’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums.” False!

    The jobs that are created under Biden, “107 percent of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens.” Mostly false.

    During my presidency, we had “the best economy in the history of our country, in the history of the world … We had no inflation, soaring incomes.”

    “Our crime rate is going up.” Mostly False. Violent crimes are down markedly.

    Taxes, Social Security and Medicare
    The Biden administration is “the only administration that said we’re going to raise your taxes by four times what you’re paying now.”

    Electric vehicles
    Trump: “They spent $9 billion on eight chargers.”
    False. “drill baby, drill”.

    He is truly unfit for office. Just ask our Catholic clergy!!

    With the belated announcement that Kamala Harris will be the new candidate, our options are few.

    God save the union.

    • Your choice of facts about DT is very selective. Trump reversed Roe V Wade. How many thousands of children are alive because of him. Compare with lying Joe and his partial birth abortion position. Biden is a congenital liar! Jan. 6 Trump did not try to control the military or the communication system both necessary for a coup. From his first day of Presidency he was accused of being a Russia spy. False of course AND WHAT A LIE! They have tried to murder him. Does not count I guess. Stop watching MSNBC and CNN. You will think more clearly

  7. I don’t think Kamala Harris will beat Donald Trump–unless Christians throw away their votes for an unknown “Christan Candidate” who has no chance of winning. VP Harris has no record of accomplishments, and her main platform seems to be greater abortion availability on the taxpayers’ dime. She is making a big deal out of being black, even though she is also half Indian (her mom is from India). NBC News (secular news) this morning (7/22) included a discussion of her failure to accomplish anything when she was assigned to do something about the massive influx of immigrants flooding the southern border. There’s really nothing that VP Harris can take credit for during her tenure as VP other than really pushing hard for abortion and LGBTQ+ rights. She has no notable accomplishments as a Senator and only served a very short term before Pres. Biden selected her for his running mate. She was an Attorney General in California and had some accomplishments that would be acceptable to many Christians. I know a lot of Christians are mad at Pres. Trump for what they called backsliding on the abortion issue (he has stated that abortion should be legal for rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother), and they disapprove of his past affairs with women, but to reject him for this and throw away the vote for some 3rd party candidate who will be lucky to get a few thousand votes–that’s just foolishness, especially when Pres. Trump has shown himself to be a good father by raising several respectable and accomplished children. As for his sexual sins–all we know is what his enemies and the media have told us. I personally think that Pres. Biden’s and VP Harris’ sins of calling for virtually-unrestricted abortion rights are much greater than “fooling around.” Don’t be a dreamer–be wise when you vote this November. And remember to vote for local and state candidates who will be friendly towards the life issues.

  8. Now that Biden is out of the race, Americans can now rightly focus on Trump’s equally problematic age given the state of his mental health (bizarrely talking about sharks, electrocution, or Hannibal Lecter) which many simply did not give attention to earlier. No wonder some of Trump’s sychopants now want Biden to stay on the ballot.

    • For all Trump’s and Biden’s gaffes, Trump has so far not lost his mental ability to logically sequence. So far, at least, Trump’s talk about sharks has not led to an auntie killing; recall Joe claiming to have killed Medicare. Neither has Trump yet claimed that a cannibal has eaten a relative.

      Biden’s “age” was raised by many as a POLITE and civil and decent way of saying Biden had lost his ability to parse an idea out of his addled brain and into his mouth, tongue, and lips in order to communicate a basic sensible thought.

  9. Mrs. Whitlock above – Yes, how is Kamala Harris Black? I’d say she’s half-Black or of mixed race (ditto Obama, BTW). This seems to me to be a throwback to “the bad old days” when a person who had six drops- or was it sixteen? – of Black blood was considered Coloured or Negro or whatever the word was back then. I find it rather tiresome, maybe racist even.

    • Cleo;
      I remember when she dropped out of the presidential race in 2020 – one of the things she said was “America is not ready for a woman of color to be president”. That was the first time I knew that she was a ‘woman of color’ – when she played the race/gender guilt card.

      There was a movie about 25-26 years back entitled ‘The American President’. The part was played by Michael Douglas and at the end he gave a speech in which he intoned the phrase “We have serious problems and we need serious people to solve them” – he said it twice.
      There is a recent video with Michael Douglas saying that he strongly believes that Joe Biden is fully capable and “all there” as the saying goes.
      There are multiple videos of Kamala Harris laughing in her unique way.

    • I think the old rule was “one drop” and that really applied more in Anglo society.
      Mrs. Harris has ancestry from at least 3 continents.
      Many of us in the US & former colonies have a similar complex ancestry but can fly under the radar more easily than Kamala Harris can.

  10. Democrats across the country whose right to vote in primary elections has essentially been taken from them should be incensed at this turn of events. This isn’t something that just happened– anyone could have seen it coming, and one can only wonder if the whole process has been orchestrated by party bosses– or who knows who else? The only thing that would have been more obvious would have been if Biden had actually run, been re-elected, and resigned a month or two after his inauguration. I’ve been saying that this was a massive game of chicken, and the Democrats finally blinked.

  11. Trump will likely win in November and occupy the White House in January. That said, he will be facing some serious problems, such Hamas in Gaza, Russia in Ukraine, and of course China. Trump will be Commander-in-Chief and in charge. He will not be able to blame other people for things going wrong. Blaming Biden will not suffice as an excuse.

    All the bombastic horse manure he shovels will not solve any real problems. It might impress the rubes in Alabama, but it will not impress the Chinese who are smart and tough. Time to get serious and knock off the bombastic rhetoric and get to work.

    • Were you unconscious during the Trump administration? He NEVER blamed anyone else for the decisions he needed to make. One of my favorite Trump moments was when he sent our bombers to destroy the Syrian air force after they had gassed to death their own Kurdish citizens. Nor did he ever shy away from controversy, as when he told critics to take a hike and FINALLY moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. As for his bombastic style, I dont mind it. He was forced to deal with dictators and thugs on the world stage and toughness is something they both respect and fear.Do you think they didnt notice he took a shot to the head and rose up to tell his voters to “Fight”??? Let me tell you, they NOTICED. The US is not Switzerland, you know? Better someone bombastic who can take care of business than someone who is senile, or an idiot. For me , I will vote for someone who is strong and unafraid and puts America first. A president who acts like Miss Manners I can live without. Trump in 2024!

      • The Swiss may practice neutrality but they’re not pacifists.
        I agree though that President Trump knows how to deal with unpleasant people and he does that without starting wars.

      • You seem to think that Trump is some junior varsity messiah, keep drinking the Kool Aid.

        More tax cuts for the rich. That’s the real deal. I personally may benefit from him, as my portfolio may increase. But I do not support him.

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