Or what man of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him? ~Matthew 7:9–11
“If it’s wrong, You’ll have to show me another way, because I just can’t see it.” At nineteen years old, I whispered this prayer to God, closed my Bible, and turned my face away. Amid my experiences with lesbian relationships, I was questioning Christian teaching about same-sex sexual behavior. Many Christian leaders—from Catholic Synod participants to evangelical megachurch pastors—are now posing comparable questions. But are all inquiries into settled matters made in good faith? Too often, we ask because we don’t like the answer already given. Our “questions” are posed as a means to demand a different one.
I first experienced same-sex attraction during a youth group meeting in a Baptist church. I was sitting on the floor with my back against the couch. Innocently, one of our leaders, a young married woman, began playing with my waist-length hair. A rush of feelings welled up from deep within me. I was confused as my emotions surged toward her. These feelings were shocking and unbidden, yet forceful and compelling. At twelve years old, I could not have known that the conflict between my sexuality and my faith would become the deepest and most intense battle of my life.
Though the etiology of same-sex attraction (SSA) is not always clear, I connect mine to two adverse childhood experiences—a pair of deep wounds. First, I was separated from my birth family as an infant. Though my adoptive parents were kind and loving, this profound rupture left a “primal wound.” I longed for my birth mother from my earliest recollections and was drawn to any woman who showed me nurture or kindness. Second, at age ten, I was repeatedly sexually abused by an uncle over the course of an extended summer vacation. These are the “twin tracks” laid in my early life that profoundly affected my overall development, sexual and otherwise.
When same-sex attraction began emerging two years later, I was mortified and ashamed and did my best to bury those feelings. By high school, I was confused, hurting, and thinking of suicide—a common story that has not improved over time, even as school-based and societal “welcoming” efforts surge. The wounds that had been quietly festering were now openly bleeding. At fifteen, I wore a tuxedo to our school dance, sporting newly cropped hair and wishing I could take a girl as my date. With this gender-bending debut, my struggles officially erupted for all to see. The entire school concluded that I was gay. Worried that they might well be right, I made a plan to get a boyfriend and sleep with him to prove it wasn’t true. This desperate and misguided strategy ended with predictable results: awful experiences, guilt, and still more shame. I lost all hope. Consistent with data to the present day, my teenage sexual activity made me more suicidal than ever.
But in this most desperate of times, God’s love broke through. Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and by His mercies, that included me. Eleven days shy of my sixteenth birthday, I had a genuine conversion and wanted to follow Christ wherever He led. I had never been so happy. Jesus loved me, and He was going to change my life. I was a new creation—“old things have passed away; behold, new things have come.” Because I was now in Christ, I thought that my same-sex attraction and my related problems would be “done away with”—those things were gone. Except, of course, they weren’t. What the Scripture actually says is that a process of becoming a new creation has begun. My attractions and wounds were still there, waiting to be dealt with. And I didn’t know how to do anything but suppress them. I certainly didn’t know how to bring them to the Lord.
In college, after years of struggling alone, I gave in. I walked away from God and straight into the arms of a woman. I came out and began building my life around my lesbian identity. I had a girlfriend, and I felt happy—indeed “there is pleasure in sin for a season.” And as with the prodigal son, my Father let me go. He did not lie to me. He did not say that I could have the joys of living in His house and the pleasures of the far country at the same time. So I left His house, and I traveled far.
Walking away from God was a painful but conscious move—I knew the Christian teaching I was rejecting was unambiguous. Evading a conscience is difficult, though. Deep down I knew what I was doing was immoral. While I had never heard the Natural Law described, I knew instinctively that I was violating something fundamental. My body was not designed for the sexual activity I was engaging in—strong desire and pleasure notwithstanding. But I did not want to repent and steeled myself against conviction, defending my actions. I hadn’t chosen to experience such attractions; indeed, they felt “natural” to me.
Was I born this way? This was 1989, and the search for the “gay gene” was intensifying. I resorted to arguing that I was, but I did not really believe it; such was thin but easy cover. At the time, I did not know that the increased prevalence of adverse childhood experiences, especially sexual abuse, among those who experience same-sex attraction and engage in homosexual behavior, was and would continue to be well established in the research. Psychology has always had to admit that complex interactions of genetics, environment, and experience must play a role, and impressive large-scale studies in recent years have produced definitive evidence that sexual orientation is not genetically pre-determined nor even primarily a heritable attribute. Even if such inclinations had been inborn, how would that remove my responsibility for evaluating them morally and exercising my will in light of God’s truth? But I was enjoying myself, and I did not want to think of such things. I kept constructing my life around my lesbian identity.
During this time, I began to search for my birth mother in earnest, eventually obtaining a court order to unseal my adoption records. The night before I was to present it at the state capital, I was out at some lesbian bars with my friends. As we strolled through downtown Austin, I exuberantly and defiantly proclaimed: “I love this life, and nothing will ever make me give it up!” The next morning, a state clerk handed me my original birth certificate. My hands trembled as I opened the envelope that would reveal my mother’s name. Finally, I could find her.
For brevity’s sake, I must skip to the end. I did not receive the warm welcome that I had been dreaming of. Far from being glad to hear from me, my beautiful mother admitted that she had dreaded the day. Woefully unprepared for her rejection, the pain of it shocked me. For days, I cried from the moment I woke up until sleep overtook me at night. And after about a week of such days, I started to realize that these tears weren’t blurring my vision; they were clearing it. Like the prodigal son, I was coming to my senses.
For the first time in many months, I had a conversation with God that went something like this: “God, I don’t know how I got here. But I can’t live without You. And if there’s any way You can bring me home, bring me home.” I had to return to the Father’s house. And just as in the parable, my Father was running to meet me.
My feelings, however, remained unchanged. I did not want to leave my lesbian life, yet I knew Jesus was calling me to lay that down. I was deeply conflicted and felt at an impasse. “I am a lesbian. If I am gay, how does one repent from who they are?” As I wrestled with this question, I providentially happened upon a television program on gay rights. Among the mainly gay-affirming messages, there was a brief portrayal of Christians who were leaving homosexuality behind to follow Christ. I was shocked. I had never heard of anyone like this. Unsurprisingly, they were being portrayed as fools. The interviewer grew impatient with one woman as she admitted her continued struggle: “Come on, all this God stuff, tell us the truth. Right now, if you could choose, who would you choose? Would you choose to be with a man or a woman?” Her reply? “I choose Jesus.”
And with those words, light streamed into my soul. I thought, “I can do that. That’s what I can do. I choose Jesus. Because I cannot say that I would choose a man. One hundred percent of me would choose a woman. But I can choose to follow Christ in obedience. My sexual feelings do not have to define me. I choose Jesus.”
Thus I surrendered my sexuality to God and focused on following Him. In doing so, I never thought my attractions would even lessen in degree, and I fully expected to be single, celibate, and perhaps struggling with longings, for the rest of my mortal life. But I was willing to do it, because I knew Who was asking: “Lord, to whom else shall we go? You have the words of life.”
In those early days, my battle with temptation truly was fierce and felt constant. I had never really struggled with lust before, but now I did. I honestly didn’t think I was going to make it, and my determination to walk a different path was a white-knuckled one. In desperation, I began meditating on Jesus and the temptations in the desert. I contemplated how, after forty days, Jesus had legitimate hunger; however, He did not wrongly use His power to meet His needs. He refused to turn stones into bread. And it was after He resisted Satan’s offers that the ministry of the angels came. I called this to mind often as I struggled to wait on God.
My repentance was still fresh when the biggest temptation yet arrived in the mail—a card from my ex-girlfriend. Of course, she would come back into my life now. “I’m being kicked while I’m down,” I told a friend, “here I am trying to follow Christ, and this is the one woman I can’t resist.” I finished my rant by declaring, “But I’m not going to do it. I will not turn these stones into bread.”
And as I spoke those words, I closed the card. I had been so quick to open to its message, I hadn’t paid attention to the cover. There on the front was a single image—a close up picture of a pile of stones. The photo title on the back read: “Stones on a beach.” The divine message could not have been clearer: I know you are hungry. This is not bread. My hunger was legitimate; satisfying it through a same-sex relationship was not. I was going to have to wait on God and trust Him to give me bread in His time. After all, it was Jesus who said, “What father among you, if his child asks for bread, would give him a stone?”
Stones are neither nutritive nor designed for digestion. Same-sex sexual relationships are neither unitive nor complementary and can never be fruitful. I had a sexual appetite for things that could not fulfill God’s design or intentions for my female body. Just as I was not designed to eat stones, I was not designed for same-sex relations. God did not create me to be “gay.” Despite the tenacity of my same-sex attraction, I am not a third category of human, nor are my body and reproductive system differently ordered. In my sexuality, my Father did not say that stones would serve as bread for me. He wouldn’t bend the Natural Law for me, but He would help me live in harmony with it. God asked me to trust Him because He is good, and only within His will can I flourish and be free.
During my graduate studies, I found a faithful evangelical church and was blessed with spiritually mature mentors who prayed for me. When they found out I had been lesbian-identified and still experienced same-sex attraction, they never labeled me with a sexual identity. They never said, “Amy is gay.” How does the Good Shepherd call us? He calls us by name. They honored me by doing the same.
For more than ten years, they held me in the bosom of their friendship and prayers. I matured as a disciple as they walked alongside me, affirming my identity in Christ, helping me up after each fall and pointing me to Jesus each step of the way. I still walk in sweet fellowship with these wonderful mentors, and they pray for me to this day.
Over the course of this decade, my attractions to women actually lessened. As I turned thirty, I even began to experience an awakening towards men. But I never sought or expected this: my orientation seemed fixed to me, and the culture had led me to believe that this was a characteristic that never changed. I later learned how much the narrative of immutability was utilized for political expedience. The major gay rights organizations had campaigned effectively to deny the possibility of change, and to create social norms against transformation. Despite their efforts, human sexuality remains fluid. The potential for change in one’s desires is real, and countless studies and testimonies demonstrate that truth.
To my surprise, I married at age thirty-seven and was blessed with two children. However, had I remained single as I always thought I would, I would have been more than content. I chose Jesus, and indeed, He is more than enough. My joy and life’s fulfillment do not come from my sexuality or my marital state, but from my Creator and being in harmony with His will.
As I have written before, I am deeply grateful that there is concern for greater pastoral accompaniment for those struggling with their sexuality. But I am gravely concerned by those whose response to that struggle is to advocate for capitulation to sin. In the name of welcome and inclusion, too many preach that Christian moral teaching has somehow missed the mark for millennia. The reality is that God’s commands are gifts of love, and He only forbids that which harms us. What motivates this disastrous compromise on something not only attested throughout Church teaching but also declared in the theology of the body? Perhaps the biggest factor is a false compassion and misguided (and misnamed) mercy.
For decades, those who identify as sexual minorities have been known to suffer negative mental and physical health disparities compared with heterosexuals. The scapegoat for these disparities has long been the burden of “minority stress”emanating from both society’s rejection and the Church’s disapproval. Our compassion for those who suffer misleads us. “If only same-sex relationships were okay, then these people would be okay. If we provide enough affirmation and welcome, these people will suffer no more.” The truth is that record-high societal acceptance, legalized same-sex marriage, and a massive cultural shift of power have not alleviated these disparities, as study after study shows.
Along with decades of data from the Netherlands, the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage, recent population-based studies in the U.S. tell the same story: increasing societal affirmation does not eliminate the mental and physical health gaps between heterosexuals and those who identify themselves as lesbian or gay. In Australia, four waves of population-based surveys of young women in the 2010s yielded similar results. The authors expressed their dismay and surprise that despite the study being conducted at a time in which “acceptance of same-sex sexuality was relatively high,” the data showed that “the adoption of a nonheterosexual identity was still associated with a large and meaningful elevation in psychological distress.”
Over three decades, across three generations, on three different continents, there has been no measurable change. Why? Because there is a “law written on the heart,” a Natural Law, and alternative sexualities violate that law. Our bodies were not made for this; hence, we were not made for this. Technological advances can create buffers and political “progress” can offer novel rights. Neither can change the simple reality of the harmfulness and barrenness of nonheterosexual sex.
When confronted with this truth, too many progressives—both inside and outside the church—double down on their errors. The Australian researchers propose that alleviating distress will require “reforming heteronormative social structures” and “[d]ismantling the social structures that continue to produce these disparities” in order “to support the mental health and well-being of young women.” But God’s created order and design is not an oppressive “social structure” made by human hands. Those who want to change Christian teaching in order to alleviate the distress of the LGBTQ+-identified align themselves with this worldly wisdom. To do so, they have no choice but to defy God and attempt to dismantle reality itself. Thus, they are doomed to fail and will exacerbate the very suffering they claim to heal. What we need now is a compassionate response to the LGBTQ community that is also truthful about the human person and human sexuality.
Faithful pastors, priests, and prelates: Affirmation of same-sex behaviors and false sexual identities is not accompaniment; it is abandonment. Genuine pastoral care for LGBTQ-identified persons is to meet them where they are, love and accept them, and accompany them to Jesus, who is full of grace and truth. Remember that you offer bread in the midst of a culture that has normalized eating stones.
What man among you, if his son asks for bread, would give him a stone?
A good father will not give his child a stone. A good father gives bread. As shepherds of His flock, I beg you, do the same.
(Editor’s note: This essay was first posted on the “What We Need Now” Substack and is published here with kind permission of the author.)
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Here’s the choice: God or stones. You cannot have both at the same time.
Thank you Amy for shinning God’s light on us and thanks be to God for showing you The Way The Truth and the Life. Amen
In Loving our children, and meeting them where they are, we cannot accept any behavior, including any sexual behavior, that denies their inherent Dignity as beloved sons and daughters, because to do so would be a denial of our desire as Beloved Fathers and Mothers to help our children learn to develop healthy and Holy relationships and friendships that are grounded in authentic Life -affirming and Life-sustaining Love, which is always respectful of ourselves and others in public and in private, as God intended.
As the Mother of a daughter who developed a same sex sexual attraction as the result of the perfect storm, I Love my daughter as I Love all my children, and because I Love my daughter, I desire that she, like all my children, develop healthy and Holy relationships and friendships that are grounded in authentic Life-affirming and Life-sustaining Love.
While we do not choose all our relationships, we can choose how we behave in those relationships. Authentic Love, which is always ordered to the inherent personal and relational Dignity of the persons existing in a relationship of Love, is devoid of every form of lust, and always serves for the Good of those persons existing in a relationship of Love, be they a Husband and Wife, a Father or a Mother and their son or daughter, a brother and a sister, other relatives, or friends, we are Always Called to authentic Love.
Amy, I rejoice in the fact that you were able to heal your wounds from the trauma and stress you experienced in life, and concentrate on developing healthy and Holy relationships and friendships that are grounded in authentic Love.
Only by affirming The True Essence Of Love, can we experience authentic Love. Your witness for those who have experienced “spiritual and sexual “ disorders, is commendable, and so necessary in a world that so often desires to deny The Word Of Perfect Love, Our Savior, Jesus The Christ. I rejoice in your healing and your desire and ability to live in Loving relationships. God Bless you, as we continue to Pray for those who continue to experience spiritual and sexual disorders that they, too, will desire to experience authentic Life-affirming and Life-sustaining Love, as they heal their wounds, accept Salvational Love, God’s Gift Of Grace And Mercy, and learn to develop relationships and friendships grounded in authentic Love.
May God Be With You And Your Family Always💕🙏🌹
Mx. “The Better,” you should be ashamed for hitting “send.”
And it is a cheap and cowardly gesture to go after “ND,” instead of replying to Ms. Hamilton, an option that you apparently sense is beyond your capacity.
Very well done, Amy! God bless you!
And, it’s almost as if the defectible social-scientist Pope Francis was/is(?) gravely misleading when he informally, non-liturgically, and spontaneously said/says(?) “God made you like that.” https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/38453/chilean-abuse-victim-pope-told-me-to-accept-being-gay-god-made-me-this-way God, instead of such less-than-God events as disrupted childhood and later sexual abuse!
Likewise, papal ghost writer Cardinal Fernandez when he enables “informal, non-liturgical, and spontaneous” non-blessings of the very afflictions suffered by those who find themselves swamped as gay “couples.”
Moreover, it’s almost as if the sidelined St. John Paul II now should be recalled by the Synod on Synodality:
“A separation, or even an opposition, is thus established in some cases between the teaching of the precept, which is valid and general [Amy’s discovery of Natural Law], and the norm of the individual conscience, which would in fact make the final decision [no longer a moral judgment!] about what is good and what is evil. On this basis, an attempt is made to legitimize so-called ‘pastoral’ solutions [Fiducia Supplicans] contrary to the teaching of the Magisterium, and to justify a ‘creative’ hermeneutic according to which the moral conscience is in no way obliged, in every case, by a particular negative precept [‘thou shalt not…’]” (Veritatis Splendor, n. 56).
But, meanwhile at the Synod, smiley-button Fr. James Martin occupies the chair belonging better to Courage International (couragerc.org), and Amy and others like her remain exiled on a “backwardist” website.
Fr. Andrew Apostoli told us of a man to whom he was ministering who got AIDS from his homosexual lifestyle and who was dying from it. Shortly before his death, the man told Father, “I have found the perfect lover: Jesus.”
That’s actually a rather vile analogy. Christ is my King, not my “lover.”
Your thought went through my mind as well, but I reserved judgment because I wasn’t entirely certain what the young man meant by lover. If he was referring to a relationship based entirely on agape love, I think his statement was quite commendable. If, on the other hand, he was referring to a relationship based entirely on eros, I completely agree with you.
Yes, in either case, it’s probably best to describe God’s love for us in a different way.
Just last Sunday one of the hymns was Charles Wesley’s 1740 “Jesus, Lover of My Soul.” St. Teresa of Avila users “lover” both referring to humans who are lovers of God, AND refers to “the good lover, Jesus.” I could find many more examples in the writings of the saints if I had time.
I have problems with the related phrase because of some nuances but I do not wish to discuss someone’s personal words related by someone else. I will comment on the comments though.
1 – To say that “Christ is my King, not my “lover” may be true for a concrete person but to present it as a general rule is wrong. Christ is everything including the Beloved or the Divine Lover – please read St Bernard, St John of the Cross, St Angela of Foligno and many others Catholic mystics. I forgot about ‘Song of Songs’.
2 – God is not only agape but eros as well (St John the New Theological in fact called his poems ‘Hymns of Divine Eros’). What happens between a soul and God includes eros (a desire to possess and be overtaken in love, very much akin to human love – this is why ‘Song of Songs’). I will say more: Our Lord is very capable of purifying the soul, raising her from a primitive desire up to sublime providing that a person desires God for His own sake, not for a sake of a pleasure.
Finally, Pope Benedict XVI:
“Dear brothers and sisters, let us look at Christ pierced on the Cross! He is the surpassing revelation of God’s love, a love in which eros and agape, far from being opposed, enlighten each other. On the Cross, it is God himself who begs the love of his creature: He is thirsty for the love of every one of us.” (‘Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI for Lent 2007’)
“Eros is thus supremely ennobled, yet at the same time it is so purified as to become one with agape. We can thus see how the reception of the Song of Songs in the canon of sacred Scripture was soon explained by the idea that these love songs ultimately describe God’s relation to man and man’s relation to God. Thus the Song of Songs became, both in Christian and Jewish literature, a source of mystical knowledge and experience, an expression of the essence of biblical faith: that man can indeed enter into union with God—his primordial aspiration.” (‘Deus Caritas Est’)
Notwithstanding what you wrote, it should be clarified that eros without agape is merely desire which eventually terminates in self-centered appetite. Therefore, eros needs to move towards agape if it is to become anything holy.
If there is any doubt about what I just said, it should be noted that a number of recent abuse allegations involved perp priests who religiously misused eros to sexually compromise and seduce vulnerable women.
If eros is to be considered holy, it must involve a robust, full-bodied chastity involving agape love.
Amy Hamilton thanks for your heart rendering, completely honest assessment of your life and return to Christ. You’ve offered the best, that I’ve read in depth account of the dynamics that likely account for the majority of those who suffer same sex attraction. Your understanding of the natural law within and through experience offers many hope for return to Christ and inner peace. True happiness. Your work Lived Experience and the Search for Truth should be required reading for members of the Synod.
“Liberal Catholics vehicle the errors of liberalism within the Church”
Monseignor Marcel Lefevbre “They have uncrowned Him.” 1987.
“It is instructive to reread the teachings of the popes… and to observe the vigor of their condamnations. Today, Liberalism regnes in the Vatican and the episcopates.”
Monseignor Marcel Lefevbre “They have uncrowned Him” 1987.
Dr. Hamilton,
I truly appreciated your story. I always have great respect for people who are open to the truth and come to know Jesus despite the social norms that would prevent this.
I wish to note that the fight against lust is very much a heterosexual problem as well. The best book that I’ve read on this subject is “Chastity” by Bishop Erik Varden. Varden is also a Trappist monk, and he brings a monastic spiritual approach into the equation. I recommend this book for anyone who struggles with this issue.
Dear Ms. Hamilton:
Thank you for your courageous witness to The Truth of our identity, man and woman, created in the image of God.
You are a doctor…in Christ.
“This is why I have come into the world, that you might know The Truth, and The Truth shall set you free.”
God bless you and your family, and God bless every ear that hears your testimony about our bodies and our souls, our sacred gifts, to be used for The Way, and The Truth, and The Life.
How is desiring that all my children, including my beloved daughter, develop healthy and Holy relationships and friendships that are grounded in authentic Love, and thus respectful of herself and others in private and in public an act of hate and contempt for my children?
I have always and will always Love my daughter. It is precisely because I Love her that I desire she , like all my children, experience authentic Love in all her relationships. How could I possibly be ashamed, although I am heart broken that she is being led astray by those who claim a same sex sexual relationship can be ordered towards authentic Love.
Please disregard my second comment as I was replying to a comment that is no longer visible.
Needless to say, I am joyful that you have been Blessed with a beautiful family, Amy, and that out of the goodness of your heart you have shared your own struggles in order to help others.
God Bless!
I hope this article brings some clarity to the issue :
Thank you for your witness and wisdom. Your writing reminds me of God’s commandment in Matthew 7:1
“Judge not.”
Ever. Anyone. Even myself.
May the Lord give us His peace.
We have to attend to God with our desire and with passion and these are meant to be unmixed -or, pure. Some words like “lover” might transfer but I wouldn’t put in eros among them and I would correct the saint. Further when the consecrated individual uses a word like “lover” it doesn’t automatically mean that I, a lay individual, may do so as well; might even be a danger for me if I did. Going further, the language that God shares with the particular saint may not be what He has in store for me. On the other hand, the illumination we got at Fatima is for everyone.
Amy, tell this to Cardinal Radcliffe.
The thief that repented on his cross was to be in paradise that day.
Man judged both of them, correct?
The justice meted out to them brought them both straight onto the Lord Jesus Christ. One of them remarked how it was the best thing that ever happened to him,”steal of a deal”. The other one didn’t see anything in it for the stealing. When people get all tore’d up about judging they tend to overlook occurrences that they would normally welcome and approve?
The book “The secret Thought of an Unlikely Convert” by Rosaria Butterfield is an excellent read and powerful testimony.
As a Catholic, a liberal and a man with same-sex attractions, I appreciate the witness that Dr. Amy gave. And I long for the day when our parishes and Magisterium will welcome me first rather than remind me that my desires are ‘disordered.’
I know that. It is obvious that my life’s fullest expression with another man will neither be unitive nor procreative. As Dr. Amy stated, “You’ll have to show me another way.” That is why I live my life in accordance with the five principles of Courage.
Courage? Some of you may ask. And why has not every diocese embraced Courage to accompany the daughters and sons of God who experience same-sex attraction?
So-called “same-sex attraction” should be repulsive to you and all interior “gay” mentality and mindset of your own as well as any shared expression.
The sanitizing vocabulary has to be seen for what it aims to do, to baby what is heinous and to suggest a protectiveness for indignity and sordidness.
Many of our experiences are disordered, it’s not merely about homosexualism or sexuality. Contending with my own, I do not require “5 principles”. The thing to do is zone in on the thing and name it correctly with all the items that attend upon it including not being watchful; and this is done in prayer with God. Then you have to surrender your will (power) to the Lord Who doesn’t want the thing.
Who wants something else altogether and in a unison with other things.
God isn’t necessarily asking you to join up everyone into your life synodally or otherwise. Such an affair could be the depths of silliness anyway.
Fortitude, piety and fear are gifts of the Holy Spirit. Here they can combine where fortitude is both resilience and resolve and piety is purity of interests. But you have to ask God for that not keep delaying to ask yet then delaying to answer.
You can collect your fruits of watchfulness into one mystery of the rosary and “chain them up” in 5 categories, say. Do penances and give alms. God will see it.