Cardinals call the Church to prayer today at 11am ET

Today the College of Cardinals will gather in St. Peter’s Basilica to pray for the Church and for the upcoming conclave to elect a new pope. They have invited all the faithful around the world to join them in prayer at this time—5pm in Rome, 11am Eastern Time. From the Vatican Information Service:

[At yesterday’s general congregation] there was also a proposal, endorsed by the Particular Congregation, to dedicate tomorrow afternoon to prayer in St. Peter’s Basilica. The Cardinal Dean, Angelo Sodano, will lead the prayers. This initiative will also serve as an invitation to the entire Church to pray at this important moment.

Depending upon how good your Latin is, you may want to follow along with the prayers the cardinals themselves will be saying in St. Peter’s; the booklet for the service has been made available by the Vatican here. You can also watch a live stream of the service at EWTN.

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About Catherine Harmon 578 Articles
Catherine Harmon works in the marketing department for Ignatius Press.