Teaching the Faith through English history
“This bus only goes as far as Millbank,” the driver announced, to groans of annoyance from the passengers. I needed to be at Westminster Cathedral and had only 15 minutes in which to get there… […]
“This bus only goes as far as Millbank,” the driver announced, to groans of annoyance from the passengers. I needed to be at Westminster Cathedral and had only 15 minutes in which to get there… […]
A sunny meadow on a warm August evening, the wide Norfolk sky overhead, a gentle breeze from the sea, the sound of a great choir of voices singing in the vast tent nearby. Children tumbling […]
We in Britain had become rather smug when looking across the Atlantic. While we were cheerfully celebrating HM the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee—flags, special prayers at church, street parties—there were the Americans gulping with the dawning […]
One of the oddities around today is the network of conspiracy theorists who are absolutely convinced that both St. John Paul II and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI are unrepentant liars. The theory involves some six […]
Summer is here and the tourists are arriving in London. Americans are often a bit disappointed when they find that England isn’t like the World War II movies: there are no clipped voices and trimly-dressed […]
I had never sung “Rose of England” before. But then I had never been to a St. George’s Day dinner in the part of England where North Yorkshire meets County Durham. Nor, indeed, one organized […]
Britain has been rocked in recent years by a weird scandal concerning sexual abuse—a man using the code-name “Nick,” who turned out to be a serial liar, accused a number of prominent people of hideous […]
The Sunday School is now too large and the children just can’t fit comfortably into the Parish Room in the Rectory. So a Children’s Choir has been formed from among the older children, those who […]
“What a waste of time, organizing a Festival of Catholic culture, with the Cardinal, when there are so many real worries, in the Church and in the world.” Thus stated a critic recently in denouncing […]
Waffles. One of the special moments on this pilgrimage is the welcome at the small village of Brandon, where local Catholics open up their church for an early Mass for us and then serve a […]
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