An Ocean Wide and Deep
It is now over a decade since ex-Anglicans streamed into the Catholic priesthood, following the 1992 decision of the Church of England to ordain women. Some observers predicted that this intake would cause problems, but […]
It is now over a decade since ex-Anglicans streamed into the Catholic priesthood, following the 1992 decision of the Church of England to ordain women. Some observers predicted that this intake would cause problems, but […]
Taking on the job of leading the Catholic community of England and Wales at this period of history is something to be accepted with a degree of trepidation. Archbishop Vincent Nichols hit the right note […]
The news seems to have leaked out in an odd way. In September, Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown was flying to America for a meeting with President Barack Obama. At least, it was hoped that […]
The flag was flying from its flagpole over Buckingham Palace and 12-year-old Henry Kirk nodded knowledgeably. “Royal standard,” he said. “That indicates that the Queen’s at home. She’s been there all week. We noticed it […]
The relationship between the Church and the mass media is not an easy one. But a new generation of Catholic writers, publishers, and journalists in Britain is breaking new ground—and making good use of all […]
For most of the past century, and especially since the reforms of education funding that followed the Second World War, Catholics in Britain have enjoyed an unusually generous arrangement for their schools. The schools, organized […]
Soho is famous as London’s sleazy district. There are some excellent restaurants and pubs and some quaint old streets worth exploring. But there’s a sad and lonely side: prostitutes and clubs darkened windows, a faint […]
The headline writers had a glorious time: “Williams backs Sharia law”; “Archbishop’s call provokes political and religious backlash.” It was also a boon for journalists working on religious issues. I got a pre-breakfast telephone call […]
There is still considerable fall-out in the United Kingdom from the announcement of former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s conversion to Catholicism. His formal reception into the Church last December was not unexpected, given that his […]
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