Special Report

In the Footsteps of the March for Life

March 24, 2013 John Burger 0

Supporters of both traditional marriage and same-sex unions will converge on the nation’s capital this week as the Supreme Court takes up two cases that could do to marriage what Roe v. Wade did to […]

Special Report

Hoping for More

May 16, 2011 John Burger 0

On December 12, 2008, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith released Dignitas Personae (“The Dignity of the Person”), an “instruction on certain bioethical questions.” It was widely regarded as a sequel to Donum […]

Special Report

A Unique Spiritual Sanctuary

May 16, 2011 John Burger 0

It’s been nearly 30 years since her abortion. She’s since repented, married, and had children. But “Amy” still feels the echoes of that act in her life, and four or five years ago, it was […]


Gains and Losses

April 27, 2011 John Burger 0

After Californians voted in November to reverse same-sex marriage, state Attorney General Jerry Brown said the 18,000 or so homosexual marriages that had been performed after May 15, when California’s Supreme Court ruled that restricting […]