The Art of the Cover
At its best, a novel entertains, inspires, edifies, delights, and challenges. But authors, driven by the content of their stories, often underestimate the value of cover art and book design. Readers, however, often judge a […]
At its best, a novel entertains, inspires, edifies, delights, and challenges. But authors, driven by the content of their stories, often underestimate the value of cover art and book design. Readers, however, often judge a […]
Science is a subject many people keep at arm’s length. Perhaps they have little interest in science. Or are uncomfortable with a perceived conflict between science and faith. Or maybe they have other priorities. Yet, […]
As I intend to reflect on Pope Francis’s letter Laudate Deum in the context of my own experience with the environment, I must first provide background for my observations. As an engineer, scientist, and teacher who […]
A number of Church leaders and influencers display skepticism about long-held Church teachings or practices involving sexuality, the family, abortion, evangelization, the priesthood, and man’s stewardship of the Earth. They suggest reforming Church teachings or […]
Another Earth Day is approaching, with corresponding pronouncements about environmental doom. What should we make of this? Discussions about the environment typically consist of agreement that the environment needs to be protected, even if we’re […]
No Catholic these days needs to be told that the Church faces many big challenges, many of them the fault of Catholics. We may prioritize these challenges differently, but they trouble each Catholic who takes […]
In an age when so many have raised inclusivity to the status of a Commandment, I have been pondering how Jesus might have better incorporated this priority into his teachings, priorities, and disciples. We ought […]
One succinct definition of orthodoxy is “An authorized or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice.” Within the Catholic faith, orthodox belief is considered to be adherence to the deposit of faith that has come down […]
The Vatican recently published a 45-page document “Mensuram Bonam” [Good Measure], which calls on Catholic institutions and believers to engage in “faith-consistent investing” that, among other priorities, urges investors to favor companies whose business models […]
“Power tends to corrupt,” wrote Lord Acton, “and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” The historical evidence is plentiful. Yet, we are reticent to accept the deeper truth. Perhaps the most profound lesson from history is that […]
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