The Truth is Still Splendid: Pope St. John Paul II’s Veritatis Splendor at 30
John Paul II’s great—and most controversial—encyclical, on morality and moral theology, still answers some of the most crucial questions of our time. […]
John Paul II’s great—and most controversial—encyclical, on morality and moral theology, still answers some of the most crucial questions of our time. […]
Blessed John Henry Newman’s devastating critique of liberal religion remains even more relevant in our own time. […]
Whenever I teach graduate seminars, I lay down one rule for the participants. While they’re free to say what they think, they cannot start any sentence with the words “I feel . . .” or […]
De mortuis nihil nisi bonum. Loosely translated as “do not speak ill of the dead,” it remains good advice, particularly when reflecting on the life of someone with whom you disagreed about many things. The […]
2020 is a year of anniversaries for one of the most well-known statesmen in French history. Not only does it mark the eightieth anniversary of Charles de Gaulle’s Appeal of June 18 which called on […]
One of the first things that will strike readers of Pope Francis’s new social encyclical Fratelli Tutti is its sheer length. At about 43,000 words in English (including footnotes), that’s more than the Book of […]
As anyone who’s visited Europe in the past 30 years knows, Islam is becoming more visible throughout the Old Continent. That presence isn’t as large as some believe. In 2016, the estimated Muslim population of […]
Thirty years ago, the world rejoiced as the crack-up of Communism’s grip on Eastern Europe, forever symbolized by the Berlin Wall, began. This, however, created enormous dilemmas for prominent representatives of a theology which had […]
Few things are more central to Christianity than missionary activity. Yet missionary work is never just about spreading the Christian faith. It inevitably has political, cultural, and economic dimensions. Some of Counter-Reformation Catholicism’s greatest missionary […]
“What is civilization? I don’t know. I can’t define it in abstract terms—yet. But I think I can recognize it when I see it; and I am looking at it now.” These were among the […]
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