
Three Counterfeits of Mercy

May 1, 2016 Dr. Samuel Gregg 1

Mercy—it’s a word that’s dominated Catholic discourse over the past three years, primarily because Pope Francis rarely makes a public comment without invoking it. Of course, it’s hardly a new idea for Christians. Francis’s immediate […]


France’s Catholic Revolution

November 23, 2015 Dr. Samuel Gregg 1

When many think about France and religion today, the images that usually come to mind are those of a highly secular society with a growing Islamic presence: a combination of widespread indifferentism, epicurean Voltairans, persistent […]


Catholicism’s Latin American Problem

December 8, 2014 Dr. Samuel Gregg 0

It’s hardly surprising that the election of Latin America’s Pope Francis has focused more attention on Latin American Catholicism since the debates about liberation theology which shook global Christianity in the 1970s and 1980s. The […]