Seeing the meaning of sports in a regime of politicization
The fact and givenness of a game’s nature is good in itself. It is an affirmation that this reality exists—but does not need to. […]
The fact and givenness of a game’s nature is good in itself. It is an affirmation that this reality exists—but does not need to. […]
During a recent group conversation about contemporary technology, a friend mentioned what he considered to be the elephant in the room, namely, that we live in a technological age. “To be anti-technological,” my friend concluded, […]
One of the most frequent platitudes spoken and written about in the public form today concerns education. While particular instantiations vary, the principle idea runs as follows: “There is a crisis in education and it […]
Aristotle stated in his Politics that one of the most necessary, yet dangerous, political and intellectual tasks was to say precisely what a political regime is. In other words, the health of a community and […]
During the moral theology class I was teaching this past summer, we read certain sections of St. Thomas Aquinas’ moral treatise in the Secunda Secundae of the Summa Theologiae. In his treatment on the virtue […]
I often encounter, among both Catholics and non-Catholics, a struggle to read or hear something and to then critically think about it on a natural level, and as a good that might be integrated, to […]
Earlier this year, a friend and I attended the Ludwig von Mises Institute conference in Houston, Texas. The conference centered upon an analysis of the current financial challenges facing our country, and a discussion of […]
Last Sunday, I was skimming through the bulletin of the local parish that my wife and I regularly attend (not, of course, during the homily). Usually, I find myself being drawn to seeing what sorts […]
My wife recently had a discussion with a former high school friend of hers regarding the Gosnell abortion trial in Philadelphia. They were in complete agreement that what this so-called “doctor” had done was intentionally […]
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