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The Age of Innocence

May 9, 2011 George Neumayr 0

Pope Benedict XVI delivered an address to the Roman Curia last December that contained several arresting passages. He candidly noted, for example, that the sacrament of penance and reconciliation “has largely disappeared from the daily […]

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Papal Assassins

May 7, 2011 George Neumayr 0

The tornado of accusations that blew over the Church in March and April sent sheets of rain down on the just and the unjust alike. Most of it fell on the figure least responsible for […]

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“Anarchic Utopianism”

May 7, 2011 George Neumayr 0

Pope Benedict XVI noted at a Wednesday audience in March that “after the Second Vatican Council some were convinced that all would be made new, that another Church was being made, that the pre-conciliar Church […]

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Ever Ancient, Ever New

May 6, 2011 George Neumayr 0

Pope Benedict’s critics had hoped Summorum Pontificum would disappear without a trace. It hasn’t. His apostolic constitution authorizing wider use of the Traditional Latin Mass continues to bear fruit, some of it annoyingly visible to […]

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An Out-of-Touch Ogre?

May 4, 2011 George Neumayr 0

In the past, bishops sparked shocked headlines in newspapers by betraying Church teaching. Now a brave few make headlines by upholding it. Consider the case of Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix. New York Times […]

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Error Enjoys All the Rights

May 3, 2011 George Neumayr 0

Tariq Ramadan, a Muslim professor with ties to terrorist activity whose visa was revoked in 2004, returned to American campuses this spring after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lifted his travel ban. Liberal intellectuals […]

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The Fundamental Path to Peace

April 29, 2011 George Neumayr 0

The pagans of Rome cast the early Christians as bad citizens, a charge which reappears today in both the West and East: secularists in the Americas and Europe gradually move to marginalize a Christian presence […]

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The State of the Culture of Death

April 28, 2011 George Neumayr 0

Shortly before the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision in January, a grand jury in Pennsylvania charged longtime Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell with seven acts of infanticide and the killing of one adult—a vivid […]

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The Pointed Pope

April 27, 2011 George Neumayr 0

One reliable barometer of Pope Benedict’s effectiveness is the carping of left-wing newspapers, particularly British ones: the more pointed his remarks, the more they tend to caricature him as “bland” and dour. Typical of this […]