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Spe Salvi

March 24, 2011 George Neumayr 0

Modern culture, for all its rhetoric of progressive uplift, contains a deep current of ambivalence and pessimism. Modern man at once fears death and dreads life. He turns to defiant technology to extend life at […]

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A False Choice

January 5, 2011 George Neumayr 0

In 1987, a committee of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops published The Many Faces of AIDS. The document adopted a mixed message on condom use, ostensibly upholding Church teaching against it while at […]

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The Fall of False Gods

November 1, 2010 George Neumayr 0

Pope Benedict XVI delivered an important meditation at the beginning of the October Synod of Bishops for the Middle East. The meditation addressed the “false divinities” that govern modern times. Though the Holy Father did […]

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The Battle of Britain

October 1, 2010 George Neumayr 0

IN World War II, Great Britain survived an atheistic assault from outside the country. Today’s “Battle of Britain” comes from an atheistic assault inside it. British culture is crumpling under the growing weight of a […]

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Planting the Seeds of Reform

April 18, 2010 George Neumayr 0

The fifth anniversary of Pope Benedict’s pontificate arrives amidst confident pronouncements of its failure: “Little to Celebrate,” “Besieged by Questions,” run the headlines. But how will Catholics and historians a century from now view it? […]

The Pope and His Pharisaical Attackers

The Pope and His Pharisaical Attackers

March 29, 2010 George Neumayr 0

The very secularists and libertine Catholics who wanted the aberrant sexual revolution to enter the Church in the 1960s and 1970s now hold Pope Benedict XVI responsible for its lingering effects. This takes considerable gall, […]


Pilgrim’s Regress

June 15, 2009 George Neumayr 0

It sounds like an over-the-top Tom Wolfe novel: a successor to the apostles conducts an affair with a male graduate student, is accused of “date rape” and emotional harm by said student, and raids the […]

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The (baffling) view from Rome

April 30, 2009 George Neumayr 0

L’Osservatore Romano’s sympathetic front-page editorial by Giuseppe Fiorentino about Barack Obama’s first 100 days is baffling (full text available here). On every contested issue related to the natural moral law, Obama is advancing dangerous policies. […]


A Cultural Earthquake

January 20, 2009 George Neumayr 0

       CNN called Stafford’s remarks in a speech at Catholic University in November a “rant” and “diatribe.” Apparently one isn’t permitted in polite society to refer to Obama’s election as revolutionary unless the […]