Why should Catholics bother to read novels?
Getting people to read these days is tough. Blame it on our age of social media, electronic games, infinite distractibility: if a text is more than a hundred words in length—beyond say what fills a […]
Getting people to read these days is tough. Blame it on our age of social media, electronic games, infinite distractibility: if a text is more than a hundred words in length—beyond say what fills a […]
One way to meet folks and make friends abroad in a strange city: take mass transit, get lost on the subway, look confused, and ask for help. I must confess it didn’t work some years […]
Communist China wants you to believe it cares about the environment. Look at us, says Beijing: we make EVs and solar panels. We produce cuddly pandas. We’re going green! Try telling that to the people […]
Newspapers in June 1931 carried an announcement from cinematographer Ernest Schoedsack, who is best known today for his work on King Kong. He was about to sail to India to film location footage for the […]
Americans who have heard of the Solomon Islands might think first of US Marines fighting imperial Japanese forces on Guadalcanal in 1942. Had Japan won, it would have cut off Australia and New Zealand from […]
On May 15 the Catholic Church will canonize Père Charles de Foucauld, a missionary priest active in French Algeria just over a century ago. But his rank of sainthood comes with rancor. Critics of France’s […]
Lovecraft and me, we go way back. Both from Providence, both fantasy writers. Growing up in Rhode Island, I liked the kinship. Granted, there were differences. He was world-famous; I was a scribbling unpublished wannabe. […]
Outdoors, a night of mist and drizzling rain on the slopes of Tai Ping Shan (otherwise known to Hong Kongers as Victoria Peak). But here indoors, good food, good red wine, and good conversation, and […]
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