
The Avuncular Episcopacy

January 30, 2019 Nicholas Senz 13

By now we’re all familiar with “Uncle Ted,” the nickname Archbishop Theodore McCarrick gave himself. We now know of the sinister association that epithet had—McCarrick would refer to the priests and seminarians who were the […]


Memorization and Catechesis: What really works?

November 30, 2018 Nicholas Senz 10

Recently America Magazine featured a school that is scrapping its traditional junior high faith formation program in favor of what it calls “conversational catechesis.” A seminar-style format encourages students to “talk openly about difficult and […]

The Dispatch

The Long Defeat

July 26, 2018 Nicholas Senz 4

In a society that attempts to condition all, who conditions the conditioners? The result is not the perfection of man, but rather, as C.S. Lewis […]