“The Innocents” and the Secret It Reveals
The Innocents, a new Franco-Polish–Belgian production, comes to the screens this weekend. It is a film about a Polish Benedictine monastery at the end of the Second World War. It is fiction but is based […]
The Innocents, a new Franco-Polish–Belgian production, comes to the screens this weekend. It is a film about a Polish Benedictine monastery at the end of the Second World War. It is fiction but is based […]
The strange and mysterious history of the classic silent film about the Maid of Orleans. […]
Just the other day I saw a news item about a proposed new ballet production based on the classic film, The Red Shoes. (The fact that another ballet version was tried on Broadway in 1983 […]
Occasionally an artist emerges who is very much of his time and whose art is yet somehow timeless. One such artist working today has met with wide acclaim, which is all the more surprising given […]
Early on November 2, 1963, the then President of Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, and his brother, Nhu, had just heard Holy Mass at a church in a suburb of Saigon. They had fled there the […]
During Lent 1998, a teenage girl, having just left an English convent school, knelt at the grotto of St. Jerome in the Holy Land. She prayed fervently, asking that through his intercession she would one […]
It is often the case that global events are best understood when viewed through the prism of the individual lives caught up in them. With the coming of the 70th anniversary of the bombing of […]
It is rare for a documentary film to arrive with such a fanfare. But The Look of Silence (www.thelookofsilence.com) just has. Perhaps, however, it is not so surprising after all when one considers its director […]
Hagiography is oft not well served. In the case of Satoko Kitahara, however, she has been served perfectly by Fr. Paul Glynn, the author of The Smile of a Ragpicker: The Life of Satoko Kitahara—Convert […]
Crime fiction fans are well aware of G.K. Chesterton’s Father Brown and his place in the Pantheon of great detectives. Nevertheless, in contrast with the seemingly endless speculation as to the ‘real Sherlock Holmes’, there […]
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