Catholics and November 8th

January 6, 2016 George Weigel 0

To redeploy a phrase from President Ford, our “long national nightmare” – in this case, the semi-permanent presidential campaign – will be over in eleven months, or at least suspended for a year or so. […]


Liberal racism bares its fangs

December 30, 2015 George Weigel 0

Given the politically-correct hysteria that typically surrounds any discussion of racism these days, I hesitate to use the term. But it’s hard to find another that fits certain reactions to Synod-2015 from the port side […]


Christmas and a World Upside-down

December 23, 2015 George Weigel 0

Biblical scholars generally agree that Luke’s Gospel was written at least a generation later than Paul’s first letter to the Christians at Corinth. Yet whatever the dating, and irrespective of scholarly disputes about whether “Luke,” […]

Remembering two great bishops

December 16, 2015 George Weigel 0

We American Catholics are, in the main, notoriously uninterested in our own history. So it likely escaped the notice of many that December 3 marked the bicentenary of the death of John Carroll, one of […]


Books for Christmas

December 9, 2015 George Weigel 0

It’s been a good reading year and I highly recommend the following to the readers on your Christmas (not “holiday”) shopping list: God or Nothing, by Cardinal Robert Sarah (Ignatius Press): It was the book […]


The Speaker and the social doctrine

November 4, 2015 George Weigel 0

TRIGGER WARNING: This column will speak well of Paul Ryan, the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, and compare him favorably to two liberal icons. Over forty years of teaching and writing about Catholic […]