
Technocracy and the sexes, part II

October 2, 2023 James Kalb 8

The attention given to Jordan Peterson, and recently to more alarming figures like Andrew Tate, Bronze Age Pervert, and Raw Egg Nationalist, shows that people are finding men’s issues more pressing. The interest in these […]

Chapp's Schtick

Evangelization in an Age of Unbelief

September 26, 2023 Larry Chapp 26

Wohin ist Gott? (Where is God?) — Friedrich Nietzsche Part One: Nemo dat quod non habet (You cannot give away what you do not possess) The currently raging white-hot debates in the Church are merely the […]


Persecution then and now

August 2, 2023 James Kalb 20

To persecute is to push down on a weaker group, at least somewhat continuously, in order to weaken or destroy it. For Catholics, the example that sets the type is the persecution of Christians in […]