the sistine chapel is seen as preparations continue for the conclave at the vatican march 9. cardinal electors will enter the chapel in the afternoon march 12 to begin the conclave to elect the new pope. (cns photo/paul haring)

Who Will Be Pope #266?

March 11, 2013 Michael Severance 0

The entire month since Benedict’s surprise resignation announcement has proven advantageous for dusting off old 2005 flash cards of cardinals and updating database profiles to scrutinize potential papabili, cardinals who are considered to have the […]


The Pope and the Philistines

February 18, 2013 Tracey Rowland 0

In Called to Communion, published in 1996, a decade before the beginning of his papacy, Joseph Ratzinger had some strong words to say about the bureaucratic machinery of the Church.  He wrote: The more administrative […]


The Last Homily

February 14, 2013 William L. Patenaude 0

The Ash Wednesday homily given by Pope Benedict XVI—the last we will hear from this pope—demonstrated the pastoral and pontifical priorities of the son of Joseph and Maria Ratzinger—of the priest that seeks to decrease […]


Lost in Translation (from Latin)?

January 20, 2013 Christopher S. Morrissey 0

The Pope finally sent out his first tweet in Latin from his Twitter account @Pontifex_ln on Sunday, January 20, 2013: “Unitati christifidelium integre studentes quid iubet Dominus? Orare semper, iustitiam factitare, amare probitatem, humiles Secum […]


The Church, Nonprofits, and Taxes

January 18, 2013 Dimitri Cavalli 6

Every so often, there are calls for the federal government to revoke the tax-exempt status of churches. The most common arguments made for taxing churches are that exemptions deny the government important sources of revenue to pay […]


Redefining Deviance

September 27, 2012 Anne Hendershott 0

The success that the gay community has achieved in shedding the “deviant” label has relied upon convincing the heterosexual world that homosexual behavior is perfectly normal. The recent uproar over a social work course titled […]