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Legitimizing False Religion

May 12, 2011 William Kilpatrick 0

What are Christians supposed to believe about Islam? And why does it matter? Judging from President Barack Obama’s Cairo speech last June the proper attitude toward Islam should be one of great respect. Obama paid […]

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A Return to “Biblical Anthropology”

May 11, 2011 Thomas S. Hibbs 0

In his latest encyclical, Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict XVI addresses our responsibility in matters environmental, a responsibility he describes as “global” in scope. Benedict calls for “ecological sensitivity,” “energy efficiency,” and even “worldwide redistribution […]

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Is Islam Too Big To Fail?

May 10, 2011 William Kilpatrick 0

In many occasions over the last two years we have heard that various giant companies had to be bailed out by the federal government because they were “too big to fail.” AIG, Fannie Mae, Merrill […]

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Nothing is Wasted

May 10, 2011 Annie Calovich 0

It seems I’ve dreaded my parents’ death my whole life. When my mother’s finally came, in June, it wasn’t the sadness that predominated. Rather it was what the world tried to deny her—and what God […]

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The Purpose-Driven Strife

May 9, 2011 William Kilpatrick 0

Except for the short-circuit in his shorts, Umar Abdulmutallab would have killed nearly 300 passengers on Northwest Flight 253. There are many more like him in numerous countries waiting for their chance at martyrdom. How […]


The Death of a Great Philosopher

May 9, 2011 Thomas S. Hibbs 0

Ralph McInerny, one of the greatest Catholic philosophers of his generation, best-selling novelist, and longtime faculty member at the University of Notre Dame, died on Friday, January 29, 2010. He excelled in so many spheres […]

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The Lamp and the Leaven

May 8, 2011 R. Michael Dunnigan 0

Since Pope Benedict XVI promulgated his apostolic constitution on welcoming the faithful of the Anglican tradition back into the Catholic Church, many questions have arisen. These questions touch on such controversial subjects as the application […]

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Just Tell the Truth

May 6, 2011 William Kilpatrick 0

The last thing the Catholic Church needs is another blow to its credibility. But a new crisis of credibility may emerge unless the Church takes steps to forestall it. It doesn’t have anything to do […]


The Apostles of the Slavs

May 6, 2011 Michael J. Miller 0

Twenty-five years ago, the Polish Pope issued his fourth encyclical, The Apostles of the Slavs (June 2, 1985), to commemorate the 11th centennial of the death of St. Methodius, who with St. Cyril evangelized the […]

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Good Returns

May 4, 2011 George Schwartz 0

It would be difficult to determine exactly how many people who consider themselves pro-life also invest in the stock market. But my experience as an investment counselor and mutual fund manager indicates that many investors […]