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The Separation of God from public life

May 3, 2011 Russell Shaw 0

No one could say Jack Kennedy hadn’t seen it coming. In a conversation with his father after the 1956 election, the charismatic young senator from Massachusett s presented the case against his seeking the presidency […]

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Atheism and Islam

May 3, 2011 William Kilpatrick 0

The opposition to Islamization in Europe is often characterized by its critics as racist and xenophobic— composed of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and football hooligans. For a non-European it’s difficult to know how much truth there […]

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The New Gnosticism

May 2, 2011 Benjamin Wiker 5

One of the oldest heresies besetting the Church is Gnosticism. We can say “is” rather than “was” because the temptation to entirely spiritualize Christianity and demonize the material world never really goes away. In fact, […]


The Improbable

April 27, 2011 Thomas S. Hibbs 0

When the actor Michael Douglas, who in the film Basic Instinct played a police detective investigating and attracted to a possible female serial killer (Sharon Stone), realized how the film would end, he complained to […]


Humanae Vitae at 40

April 18, 2011 William B. May 0

July 25, 2008 marks the 40th anniversary of the publication of Pope Paul VI’s great encyclical Humanae Vitae. In this document he reaffirmed the constant teaching of the Church that contraception is an intrinsically evil […]


First in the Order of Love

April 8, 2011 Genevieve S. Kineke 1

Roughly 10 years into his pontificate, John Paul II penned an apostolic letter, Mulieris Dignitatem (“On the Dignity and Vocation of Women”). The letter indicated not only that he took women and their call to […]