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Reform within Continuity

April 18, 2010 Fr. Matthew Lamb 0

In the first months of his reign the Pope insisted on a proper understanding of the reforms of Vatican II, showing how these reforms were in continuity with the teachings of the Church for the […]

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Landmark Pastoral Letter Sparks Mixed Reactions

March 22, 2010 Michael Kelly 0

In a statement, the group—which is currently engaged in a consultation process with the Irish Bishops’ Conference—said the pastoral letter represented a long-overdue apology from the Pope and the Vatican. “Victims desperately need closure for […]


Pilgrim’s Regress

June 15, 2009 George Neumayr 0

It sounds like an over-the-top Tom Wolfe novel: a successor to the apostles conducts an affair with a male graduate student, is accused of “date rape” and emotional harm by said student, and raids the […]


A Cultural Earthquake

January 20, 2009 George Neumayr 0

       CNN called Stafford’s remarks in a speech at Catholic University in November a “rant” and “diatribe.” Apparently one isn’t permitted in polite society to refer to Obama’s election as revolutionary unless the […]

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Summorum Pontificum

January 5, 2009 George Neumayr 0

The forces in the Church most responsible for dividing Catholics from magisterial teaching are the quickest to use the word “divisive” in any controversy. A “divisive moment” is the Catholic left’s euphemism for any papal […]

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Special Report

The Movement That Won’t Die

December 24, 2008 Elenor K. Schoen 0

Physician-assisted suicide is defined as “a patient self-administering a lethal dose of an oral medication that has been prescribed by a physician,” according to Physicians for Compassionate Care, a group that operates out of Oregon. […]

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Roman Catholics for Obama ’08

December 24, 2008 Dr. Paul Kengor 0

The team struggled as to whether to continue intubating the child—now a little boy, not a “fetus”—who clearly was not going to make it, mangled and destroyed as he was. He gasped for air as […]

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Special Report

Laborers for the Harvest

December 24, 2008 J. J. Ziegler 0

While these continental trends manifest the vitality of the Church in Africa and Asia during the past three decades, they do not address the question of which countries are currently the most successful in attracting […]