The Dispatch

Love In an age of tolerance and abortion

May 20, 2019 Fr. Charles Fox 7

One of the accusations most often leveled against Catholics is that we are “intolerant.” The world calls us intolerant because we don’t accept everything people do without question or protest. It’s a somewhat bitter irony […]


Truth-telling and Big Abortion

May 1, 2019 George Weigel 7

For over a half-century, what styles itself the “pro-choice” movement has thrived because of its extraordinary ability to mask what it’s really about — the willful taking of innocent human lives in abortion — through […]


Seeing Abortion

April 9, 2019 Bishop Robert Barron 17

We stand at a pivotal point in the great moral debate over abortion in our country—not because new arguments have emerged, but rather because laws so breathtaking in their barbarism have been passed, and a […]