The Youth Synod: The next step in the Francis papacy
The just-issued document for the upcoming youth synod emphasizes social justice, the empowerment of women, and changing the Church’s moral teachings. […]
The just-issued document for the upcoming youth synod emphasizes social justice, the empowerment of women, and changing the Church’s moral teachings. […]
Most ‘Yes-I’m-Catholic-but’ attempts at public conscience massaging warrant little consideration and usually no follow-up. But Dr. Luckett’s recent USA Today essay could be an exception. […]
And as these cases work their way through the judicial process, observers are conscious of an even larger question about the Supreme Court. […]
“Senator Durbin was once pro-life,” says the Bishop of Springfield, Illinois. “He changed somewhere along the line. I hope he comes back to his roots. […]
Ireland has forgotten or become blind to how much good has been done since a protection for mother and unborn child was enshrined in its […]
Fun Is Not Enough, a collection of pithy essays originally published in the catholic eye, is full of wit, wisdom, and more than a few […]
We find ourselves in an increasingly ideological society whose ideology is ever more anti-human, anti-Catholic, and compulsory. […]
The repeated, though for now misguided, calls for excommunication in these cases, and the repeated, but worth-considering, calls for withholding holy Communion in these cases […]
“You love every child, born and unborn, because you believe that every life is sacred, that every child is a precious gift from God,” Trump […]
In 1995, outside of a narrow talk radio audience, a few major networks controlled the cultural narrative about the pro-life movement. No longer. […]
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