Rediscovering the Form of Things: On My Work To Date
I would like to recall a scene of almost two decades past. I was in my first year of doctoral work and was studying, at home on a bright Sunday afternoon. I found myself reflecting […]
I would like to recall a scene of almost two decades past. I was in my first year of doctoral work and was studying, at home on a bright Sunday afternoon. I found myself reflecting […]
This is the third and last part of my discussion of Thomism and political liberalism. From the first two essays (see here and here) I think that we can conclude that one important thing that […]
With the premiere of Stranger Things 3 upon us—the new season will be released tomorrow—there are plenty of good reasons why Catholics might not tune in. You already well know the foremost of these: “the […]
Our forebears in the Faith were much stronger than us morally and spiritually. Not for them the lax observance and flaccid sentimentality that characterize so […]
For better or for worse, universities are shapers of culture, not the only ones, of course, but decisive ones. The reason for this isn’t mysterious. Most of our cultural elites – the people in the […]
In classical Christian education circles, it is often asked why Christian students should bother with pagan authors. Who needs Virgil and Aristotle, so the question goes, when you’ve got the Church Fathers and Doctors? Like […]
Editor’s note: Anthony E. Clark, the Edward B. Lindaman Chair at Whitworth University, recently delivered the last of four talks on various topics related to important historical and social issues, such as religious freedom, religious […]
Criticizing the current liberal order is a popular activity. Authors such as Patrick Deneen, Rod Dreher, D.C. Schindler, Mark Lilla, Johnathan Haidt, and Jordan Peterson have generated significant conversation through their provocative salvos. While many […]
In a recent essay at the Public Discourse, David Rahimi offered a critical review of Fr. James V. Schall’s recent book On Islam: A Chronological Record, 2002-2018 (Ignatius Press, 2018). While it is certainly the case […]
Classical Protestantism is a voluntarist form of Christianity, such a radically different view of human and divine will that it must be differentiated from non-voluntarist […]
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