Gravity, Gravitas, and Grave Matters
As the Japanese novelist Shusako Endo noted, people often ponder where they were born, a circumstance over which they had no control, while giving little […]
As the Japanese novelist Shusako Endo noted, people often ponder where they were born, a circumstance over which they had no control, while giving little […]
Leading a Worthy Life: Finding Meaning in Modern Times reveals that we have arrived at a point where what is actually anti-human is politically defined and […]
Vancouver, Canada, May 14, 2018 / 06:01 am (CNA).- The meteoric rise of Jordan B. Peterson, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, has resulted in a popular book, 12 Rules for Life, published by Random House Canada in January. Peterson… […]
Voluntarism denies the Catholic teaching that logos constitutes—rather than delimits—God’s nature, and Luther was a volunarist. […]
Dr. Edward Feser’s Five Proofs of the Existence of God’s lively approach demonstrates that natural theology’s funeral directors, despite all their bluster, will be buried […]
The former editor of America magazine would do well to read Benedict XVI’s 2005 “Regensburg Address” and Vatican II’s documents on seminary training and Catholic […]
The ultimate purpose of Christian revelation was not to improve the world but to explain the final destiny of each existing person. The purpose of […]
The question at hand is: what do we make of America’s schizophrenic natural law pedigree, rejecting but needing Catholic ideas? (And John Locke, history’s most […]
Monsignor Robert Sokolowski’s insightful Moral Action is, in a sense, is a polemic against the subjectivizing of moral action as if the word or act we put […]
“The Galileo Affair needed to be looked at again,” says Dom Paschal Scotti, “because it is one the great events, climactic events even, in European […]
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