What Boudway gets wrong about indissoluble marriages
The Catholic Church does not teach that “all valid marriages are indissoluble”. She teaches, more precisely than Matthew Boudway grasps, that all valid marriages are […]
The Catholic Church does not teach that “all valid marriages are indissoluble”. She teaches, more precisely than Matthew Boudway grasps, that all valid marriages are […]
No canon of the 1983 Code bans parents from sacramental celebrations involving their children and no canon authorizes priests to exclude parents from such sacred […]
Buttiglione has misunderstood and/or misrepresented some important, if this time more subtle, canonical points in his recent critique of the Correctio Filialis. […]
To the extent that some qualified signatories and/or supporters of the Correctio have realized a duty (expressed in law) to address these matters, they are not simply […]
Fr. Martin’s rebuff of heresy accusations suggests that either he does not know or does not wish to acknowledge that “heresy” is not limited to the actual contradiction of […]
While Universi Dominici Gregis is special law for a special event, it is not independent of the rest of canon law; it must be read in […]
SSPX head Bishop Bernard Fellay is among the letter’s signatories, who call it a “filial correction.” […]
Insofar as good citizenship is a moral duty for all Catholics, our conduct as citizens, including our casting a ballot, has moral implications; we are […]
To tout a religious superior’s imprimi potest as proof of one’s personal or authorial orthodoxy is to misconstrue what that certification is and what it means. […]
Mary McAleese, a former president of Ireland who has a background in canon law, misrepresented what Church law states about the legitimacy of children born out of […]
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