
Why Do the Heathen Rage?

July 30, 2022 Chilton Williamson, Jr. 11

1. In the early modern and modern periods of Western history, the religious establishment comprised of the various churches and the political establishments with which they were affiliated or which they supported feared liberal philosophies […]

The Dispatch

The Francis-friendly Media

February 25, 2019 William Kilpatrick 17

When the first sex-abuse scandal broke in 2002, the secular media carried a lot of anti-Catholic commentary. Popular columnists such as Maureen Dowd and Christopher Hitchens savaged the Church with gusto. By contrast, media coverage […]


The Bland Inquisitor

October 21, 2018 Nathanael Blake 8

While reading Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress I was comforted by the knowledge that I would be compensated for my opinion of it. Here it is: Don’t bother. Enlightenment […]