A breezy (and cautionary) history of the papal “dark age”
It’s tough to say when the saeculum obscurum really began, but by the time Pope Stephen VI had been strangled in the jail cell to which his enemies had confined him after he’d dug up […]
It’s tough to say when the saeculum obscurum really began, but by the time Pope Stephen VI had been strangled in the jail cell to which his enemies had confined him after he’d dug up […]
In his book The Early Papacy: To the Synod of Chalcedon in 451, Fr. Adrian Fortescue argues that the essential Catholic claims about the authority of the pope can all be found in patristic texts from […]
Wounded by original sin, people predictably make a mess of things, often in quite spectacular fashion. Of course, men and women, here and there, follow the better angels of their natures and bring order, beauty, […]
“Behold the wood of the Cross, on which hung the salvation of the World.” Relics of Our Lord’s Passion have always been dear to his followers. The True Cross, the actual wood on which Jesus […]
As one may expect of any institution with a 2,000-year history, there is no shortage of myths and misinformation regarding the history of the Catholic Church. There are tales of intrigue and espionage; conspiracy theories […]
The place rendered sacred by the birth of the Savior does not look like one would expect it to. The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem looks more like a dilapidated fortress than a basilica. […]
Pope Paul VI stood firm in the midst of the moral permissiveness which came under the guise of “freedom” in the 1960s, and boldly proclaimed […]
The future pope’s role in saving Jewish lives during WWII remains little known today. […]
The papal biographer’s new book describes his relationship with Pope John Paul, as well as the great challenges the pope faced in the final years […]
In the consistory of November 2016, among the 17 men Pope Francis elevated to the rank of cardinal was an 88-year-old priest who was neither a bishop nor of the eligible age to vote in […]
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