Pacem in Terris after 60 years
On April 11, 1963, John XXIII issued the encyclical Pacem in Terris, a powerful call for a world in which there were neither victims nor executioners that cemented the pontiff’s reputation as “Good Pope John.” […]
On April 11, 1963, John XXIII issued the encyclical Pacem in Terris, a powerful call for a world in which there were neither victims nor executioners that cemented the pontiff’s reputation as “Good Pope John.” […]
Looking back at the most recent, and perhaps most eventful, of all presidential election seasons, one of the great non-events has been serious debate over the significance of the election of the second Catholic president […]
Augusto del Noce (1910-89) is among the least well known of the brilliant political philosophers of the twentieth century. Having the misfortune of composing very dense academic writings in Italian, and generally considered “conservative,” Del […]
CNA Staff, Nov 18, 2020 / 01:00 pm (CNA).- A new book on St. John Paul II examines the relationship of the Polish pope with Central and Eastern European countries during the Cold War.
“Blood of your Blood, Bone of your Bone: The Pontificate of J… […]
Laura S. Gossin’s biography, One Man Perched on a Rock: A Biography of Dr. Warren Carroll, is an engaging account of conversion, belief, struggle, and […]
My Wolfe-addiction began on a cross-country flight in 1979, shortly after The Right Stuff was published. […]
A Pope and a President by Paul Kengor and Wind From Heaven by Monika Jablonska delve into many unknown or overlooked aspects of John Paul’s […]
It’s not possible to know the Risen Lord and to indulge in despair. […]
The claim that “the Cold War is over” and that the West needs a “new paradigm” for relations with Russia has become an antiphon in some conservative political circles – not least conservative Christian circles. […]
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