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Some things change, some don’t, and it can be hard to know what to do about it. Wise sayings point in different directions: “[I] beseech you to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to […]
Some things change, some don’t, and it can be hard to know what to do about it. Wise sayings point in different directions: “[I] beseech you to contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to […]
“For a bishop, as God’s steward, must be blameless.”1 When Saint Paul wrote these words to Saint Titus in the first century, he was reminding Titus to be careful in his appointment of bishops for […]
With the onset of the Corona virus, many dioceses enacted certain “preventive” measures, among which was eliminating reception of Holy Communion from the chalice. That proscription is now being lifted in many dioceses. In keeping […]
In his 2013 book The Father’s Will: Christ’s Crucifixion and the Goodness of God (Oxford University Press), Fr. Nicholas E. Lombardo, O.P., launched several severe critiques against St. Anselm’s model of the atonement. “Anselm’s solution […]
March is the cruelest month, at least for an Irish Catholic. Every March, the irresistible force of Lent meets the immovable object of March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. The traditions of fasting and feasting face […]
John W. O’Malley’s new history of the First Vatican Council provides an impartial and detailed account that offers both historical context and insight into the […]
Germany probably doesn’t have that much concern about the ecclesial mess of Latin America but believes it can use their predicament to move the Church […]
The only way we can utter the Pater noster words is through the grace of Christ; we do not speak to God in this manner by natural […]
Grace seems to have fallen on hard times in our own day and age. Two extremes in its regard are in competition – and both […]
Christ promised to maintain his Church in the truth (John 8.32; John 16.3). Has that promise been broken? […]
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