Rendering to Caesar what is God’s
Ambrose was governing Milan in AD 374, when the bishop of that city died and a struggle broke out between the Arian and Nicene factions to secure the succession. At stake was the catholicity of […]
Ambrose was governing Milan in AD 374, when the bishop of that city died and a struggle broke out between the Arian and Nicene factions to secure the succession. At stake was the catholicity of […]
Twenty-six United States Navy SEALs and nine other Navy special forces members say the Navy’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policy violates constitutionally protected religious liberty and has led to threats, coercion and retaliation against the service […]
In a recent post on my personal blog, I argued that a Catholic can in good conscience take one of the Covid-19 vaccines, but also that such vaccination should not be mandatory. In a follow-up post, I […]
For the second time in a week, a group of Maine health-care workers challenging that state’s COVID-19 shot mandate has turned to the U.S. Supreme Court for an emergency injunction to suspend the policy while […]
Doctor Aaron Kheriaty will soon be suspended without pay from his post as a professor of psychiatry in the University of California-Irvine’s School of Medicine. He has been threatened with being fired for his refusal […]
America’s media and health establishment are expressing horror and consternation at what has now become a mass resistance movement to the implementation of the COVID-19 vaccine, as millions insist they will not receive it despite […]
Western Michigan University “likely” infringed on the First Amendment rights of 16 Christian student athletes by denying them faith-based exemptions from the school’s COVID-19 shot mandate, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals […]
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