Dana Gioia’s Memento Mori
In beginning and ending in the underworld, Dana Gioia’s new book of poetry Meet Me At The Lighthouse gives his latest poems an arresting perspective from which he can essay subjects of profound import, including […]
In beginning and ending in the underworld, Dana Gioia’s new book of poetry Meet Me At The Lighthouse gives his latest poems an arresting perspective from which he can essay subjects of profound import, including […]
Great literature is, almost inevitably, a political affair. It could hardly be otherwise. Poetry, as Aristotle recognized long ago, plays with the universals of human experience — and man is a political animal. Thus the […]
Professor J. Budziszewski is the author of numerous books, including What We Can’t Not Know: A Guide (Ignatius Press), Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’s Treatise on Happiness and Ultimate Purpose (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), as well […]
A guide to Dante’s Walk, a 235-mile route from Ravenna to Florence in Italy. / Terre di Mezzo.
Ravenna, Italy, Nov 11, 2021 / 04:20 am (CNA).
The poet Dante famously traveled through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise in his masterpiece the “Divine … […]
Vatican City, Mar 25, 2021 / 10:00 am (CNA).- In a letter for the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, Pope Francis said that the mystery of Christ’s Incarnation is the “true heart and inspiration” of Dante’s great… […]
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri (c 1265-1321), who died 700 years ago this year, takes the poet on an epic journey from earth to the utter depths of hell, on a long climb up […]
Denver Newsroom, Jan 21, 2021 / 03:01 am (CNA).- Dante Alighieri died 700 years ago, and Italy is ready to celebrate the author whose epic poem through Hell, Purgatory and Heaven has influenced the art, imagination, and faith of so many down the centur… […]
We will never be adequately prepared for the coming of the Savior unless and until we feel in our bones that there is something we need to be saved from. If we don’t require salvation, […]
The Antichrist has gone missing, and so has God. The former is the primary plot device of the new Amazon Prime comedy series Good Omens, adapted from the book by Neil Gaiman and the late […]
Editor’s note: The following essay is a summary of an address given at Martin Saints Classical High School, in May 2019. ——– Modern education as we have known it for a century now tries to […]
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