Ross Douthat on Francis’ pontificate: “We live in interesting times as Catholics”
The New York Times columnist and author of To Change the Church discusses his new book on the Pope, and what he hopes his liberal and secular […]
The New York Times columnist and author of To Change the Church discusses his new book on the Pope, and what he hopes his liberal and secular […]
The Archdiocese of Braga, in Portugal, has reported endorsed Communion for remarried after a period of discernment of about six months. If so, the Archdiocese is wrong—patently […]
In short, personal conscience is being urged as a substitute for public conduct as a key criterion controlling certain questions of ecclesiastical governance. […]
Jennifer Johnson, director of the Ruth Institute’s Children of Divorce Project, is the author of Marriage and Equality: How Natural Marriage Upholds the Ideal of Equality for Children, a short book that presents the case […]
Two new books written by Catholic authors—Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak by Leila Miller, and Marriage and Equality: How Natural Marriage Upholds the Ideal of Equality for Children by Jennifer Johnson—explore the […]
Several outlets are reporting today that Pope Francis will not be re-appointing Cardinal Gerhard Müller as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith when the cardinal’s five-year term is up on July […]
Fr. James Keenan writing in Crux this week makes his own a question raised (last July, it seems) by Rocco Buttiglione in L’Osservatore Romano: “Is there any contradiction between the popes who excommunicated divorced and remarried persons and Saint John […]
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