The gnostic Christ fails, the true Christ heals
On the Readings for Sunday, September 9, 2018 […]
On the Readings for Sunday, September 9, 2018 […]
When Pope Francis surprised the Catholic world on October 7, 2021, announcing that he was about to make Saint Irenaeus of Lyon a Doctor of the Church, the reasons he gave weren’t that surprising. After […]
There is a philosophical problem we’ve faced in the West for some time that can be summarized as follows: “In the movement of post-Kantian thought, conceptual knowledge was indeed called into question. For Schleiermacher, the […]
The witness of Mary needs to be highlighted for the benefit of all women and for the good of all society. In her dual identity […]
Mary Harrington’s new book Feminism Against Progress makes the bold assertion that women are women. Human embodiment matters because we are our bodies, rather than being some sort of disembodied minds that just happen to […]
In his book Conservatism: A Rediscovery, Yoram Hazony argues that there is indeed a significant link between wokeism and Marxism. Paul Gottfried responds at Chronicles, arguing that the similarities between the two have been overstated. Let’s take […]
It’s a good thing Pope Francis never actually said, “Tinder is normal.” Nobody wants to have to write: “No, Holy Father, Tinder is not normal.” That’s a sentence for an opening line to a parody. […]
Michael Knowles is a young man of whom, until recently, I was unaware. My curiosity was piqued when I saw him on the panel at a conference I attended. What he had to say was […]
Edward Feser, PhD, is Professor of Philosophy at Pasadena City College in Pasadena, California. Called by National Review “one of the best contemporary writers on philosophy”, he is the author of many books including Five […]
Comprehensive ideological systems, which determine the prevailing world view in societies and cultures, are based on so-called “grand narratives”.1 Such grand narratives are mostly of a religious nature. In earlier phases of human cultural development, […]
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