The Green Knight: Facing Life’s Test
Rarely do I find myself looking to modern Hollywood for morality tales, either on screen or in headlines. And yet, every once in a while, a film is released that draws on truths incorruptible by […]
Rarely do I find myself looking to modern Hollywood for morality tales, either on screen or in headlines. And yet, every once in a while, a film is released that draws on truths incorruptible by […]
Like me, if you know anything about Tolkien’s life, it is probably owing to the work of Humphrey Carpenter, who cornered the market in Tolkien scholarship in its early years, producing both the first major […]
The legendary Georgetown professor Fr. James V. Schall, S.J., who died last year, was known for packing an introduction to liberal education in each of his books. He would cover topics from Plato to Peanuts […]
Some years ago, while on retreat with the Passionists, I listened to a Korean priest describe how he came to America. As a young man in Seoul he had money, girlfriends, a cool car, and […]
There is a striking passage in The Problem of Pain where C.S. Lewis writes about awe and the Numinous. He draws on Malory, Shakespeare, and Wordsworth to exemplify his points but also approvingly quotes a […]
“You’re a monster!” screams Madison Russell (played by Millie Bobby Brown) in Godzilla: King of the Monsters. She screams this at her mother, Dr. Emma Russell (Vera Farmiga), who has just made the decision to […]
This weekend, American movie theaters will feature the first-ever biopic of J.R.R. Tolkien, the most important fantasy writer, and the most popular writer to have thought through the moral and political changes Christianity brought into […]
What do we love about mythology? The Greek word mythoi just means “stories,” and every culture has them, from the Mayans to the Mesopotamians. But these ancient stories continue to captivate us today, finding modern […]
There is a common, and I’ll admit somewhat understandable, interpretation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy that sees the great work as a celebration of the virtues of the Shire, that little town […]
T.M. Doran ( is the author of several novels, including Toward the Gleam, Terrapin, and Iota. His first novel with Ignatius Press, Toward the Gleam, won acclaim from Tolkien readers across the globe. In it, […]
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