“Per Crucem ad Astra, Through the Cross to the Stars”
At the heart of the Christian life is taking up one’s cross daily to follow Jesus (cf Mt 16:24-26; Lk 9:23). As His disciples, we are not without hope in the midst of life’s trials. […]
At the heart of the Christian life is taking up one’s cross daily to follow Jesus (cf Mt 16:24-26; Lk 9:23). As His disciples, we are not without hope in the midst of life’s trials. […]
In my previous essay, I examined the fate of Irish wake practices in light of the Tridentine Church’s efforts to develop a more modern, properly catechized and morally disciplined Catholic laity. Despite the general success […]
CNA Staff, Apr 7, 2021 / 07:00 am America/Denver (CNA). Archbishop Gintaras Grušas believes that Lithuania has a “big message” for the world. The archbishop of the country’s capital, Vilnius, points out that the city […]
On September 22-25, Francis will become the first pope since St. John Paul II twenty-five years earlier to visit the Baltic republics of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, a cultural and religious melting pot populated by […]
Lithuanian Christians anticipate Pope Francis’ visit in September while celebrating their country’s 100th anniversary of independence. […]
During Lent, Mother Church focused our attention on the Cross and on Him hanging from it. Only the most hard-hearted are not moved to pity and sorrow. Our reflection on the mystery of the Cross, […]
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