An Evangelical theologian responds to Fr. James Martin, S.J.
A consideration of Fr. Martin’s “seven ways” of responding to the Nashville Statement underscore the truncated gospel (or even anti-gospel) with which Martin operates. […]
A consideration of Fr. Martin’s “seven ways” of responding to the Nashville Statement underscore the truncated gospel (or even anti-gospel) with which Martin operates. […]
The angry responses to the Nashville Statement reflect the sort of “moral therapeutic deism” that has increasingly dominated the public square in recent years. […]
The 1983 Code does not, and the 1917 Code did not, deprive divorced-and-remarried Catholics per se of ecclesiastical funeral rites. […]
The other day I happened to find out about the recent death of the first person who ever approached me and asked for sex. I am sorry to put it in those ugly words, but […]
Is it possible to talk about the pollution of sexuality in the same way that we can talk about the pollution of the air with sulfur dioxide belched out of smoke stacks or pollution of […]
One of the many bons mots of Archbishop Fulton Sheen was: “What the Church gives up the world takes up.” By that he meant the Church often (all too often) fails to appreciate the value […]
I owe Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich a debt of gratitude. He recently was quoted as saying: We have always wanted to make sure that we start the conversation by saying that all people are of […]
Let’s build a bridge. No—not that bridge. Not a warm, fuzzy, attention-getting bridge between the Church and the ‘LGBT Community,’ whose architects are misguided masters of error, ambiguity, confusion, and dissent. Don’t waste your time. […]
Jennifer Johnson, director of the Ruth Institute’s Children of Divorce Project, is the author of Marriage and Equality: How Natural Marriage Upholds the Ideal of Equality for Children, a short book that presents the case […]
Two new books written by Catholic authors—Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak by Leila Miller, and Marriage and Equality: How Natural Marriage Upholds the Ideal of Equality for Children by Jennifer Johnson—explore the […]
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