Lepanto, the Poles, Islam, and Our Lady
October 7 is the day the Ottoman navy was defeated in Battle of Lepanto, thus saving Europe from further conquest by the formidable Muslim empire. […]
October 7 is the day the Ottoman navy was defeated in Battle of Lepanto, thus saving Europe from further conquest by the formidable Muslim empire. […]
The present moment in history finds us confronted with hundreds of purported supernatural visitations. This proliferation is not cause for rejoicing; on the contrary, it […]
null / Credit: Célian de La Rochefoucauld via youheritage.com
ACI Prensa Staff, May 21, 2024 / 16:30 pm (CNA).
The Hospitality of Our Lady of Lourdes of Madrid, an archdiocesan pilgrim service organization, concluded its 101st pilgrimage on May… […]
A view of the crowd and nearby waterfront at the opening Mass for World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal on Aug. 1, 2023. / Credit: Arlindo Homem/JMJ Lisboa 2023
ACI Prensa Staff, May 18, 2024 / 07:00 am (CNA).
Jimena, the young woman who regained… […]
Denver Newsroom, Feb 28, 2024 / 17:30 pm (CNA).
In an interview with EWTN News, renowned psychologist and author Jordan Peterson shared his perspective on his wife’s “miraculous” recovery from cancer and his view of her embrace of the Catholic faith.
Peterson recounted that upon learning of his wife Tammy’s diagnosis, the couple sought treatment options in various hospitals across North America. Wherever they turned, he said, they were told available treatments had “no evidence for success” and the one-year survival rate for the cancer afflicting Tammy “was zero.”
But as Tammy Peterson also told EWTN News in a separate interview, she ultimately fully recovered from her cancer — and connected with a close friend’s as well as her grandmother’s Catholic faith in the process.
Dr. Peterson, known for his biblical lectures, noted that the Gospels contain numerous accounts of miraculous healings.
“And for anyone who’s conventionally scientific in his or her thinking, those stories are hard to understand,” he said.
Speaking of his scientific background, Peterson said he is not a “reductive materialist.” “I think we would see the miraculous constantly if we weren’t blind,” he observed.
Peterson said his wife’s newfound faith has strengthened her ability to share her “light” in ways she hadn’t previously.
“She’s speaking publicly, which she wouldn’t have done before, although she may have liked to,” he said.
“People hide, even, their desire to have their light shine, much less the light,” Peterson continued. “They hide that from themselves. That’s lack of faith. They’re afraid that if they admitted to the ambition and pursued it, it would come to naught.”
She has also “recovered that state of childhood that Christ associates with the kingdom,” he noted.
“And that’s a remarkable thing to see, because I also knew her as a child, and so I can actually see that re-emerge,” he continued. “And that’s quite the bloody miracle, that is.”
Dr. Peterson’s own relationship to the Christian and Catholic faith is not as clear as that of his wife, who is scheduled to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church this Easter.
Though he has said in the past that Catholicism “is as sane as people can get,” when asked by Flynn if he feels a tug toward Catholicism, he opted instead to say he has an “appreciation” for Catholicism.
“There’s plenty of things the Catholic faith got right,” he told Flynn.
“At some point, every question bottoms out in a mystery, and that’s where the faith has to be,” he said. “Faith is necessary in part because you don’t know everything.”
While Peterson said he is not on the same Catholic faith journey as his wife, he emphasized that the “original proposition” of Christ’s invitation to “take up your cross and follow me” is “obviously” correct.
“Christ faced, and triumphed, over death and hell, and you might say, well, why is that relevant?” he said. “And the answer is, because that’s what you have to do.”
Peterson said it’s important for the Church to stay focused on that original proposition.
“If it’s all guitar and hippies, who the hell cares?” Peterson said, emphasizing that the Church should not try to “be more relevant” by taking up other causes, such as the climate crisis.
“It’s supposed to be an invitation to the great adventure of life,” he said of the Christian faith. “What’s the great adventure of life? Pick up your cross and follow me. Well, what’s more relevant than that?”
In sum, Peterson concluded, “everybody has their own path.” “Tammy’s on hers; I’m on mine.”
The complete EWTN News interview with Dr. Jordan Peterson can be viewed below.
The Lourdes Grotto in France. / Credit: Courtney Mares/CNA
Lourdes, France, Feb 10, 2024 / 07:00 am (CNA).
More than 7,000 people have reported that they experienced a physical healing because of a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lou… […]
The funeral for Pope Benedict XVI, a statue that survived an earthquake, the remarkably well preserved body of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster, and Pope Francis at World Youth Day in Lisbon, Portugal, were among the top Catholic stories of 2023. / C… […]
null / Daniel Ibanez / CNA.
ACI Prensa Staff, Aug 8, 2023 / 16:00 pm (CNA).
The father of Jimena, the 16-year-old Spanish World Youth Day pilgrim who reported she recovered her sight during a Mass in Fátima, provided ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-l… […]
Father Michael Trummer, left, and Andrew Hansen produced a documentary, "God is Alive," using two cameras and their cell phones. / Andrew Hansen
St. Louis, Mo., Aug 5, 2023 / 06:30 am (CNA).
Central Illinois doesn’t get a whole lot of… […]
Image from the Shrine of St. Charbel. / Hannah Brockhaus / CNA.
Annaya, Lebanon, Jul 24, 2023 / 10:35 am (CNA).
St. Charbel Makhlouf is known in Lebanon for the miraculous healings of those who visit his tomb to seek his intercession — both Chr… […]
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