Anger and citizenship

February 3, 2016 George Weigel 0

The Iowa caucuses are in the rear-view mirror, the New Hampshire primary looms on the horizon, and by most media accounts, the leitmotif of Campaign 2016 is “anger.” As in: a lot-of-Americans-are-angry-and-that-explains-the attraction-of-certain-candidates, whether that […]

A Ukrainian Christmas-at-the-crossroads

January 20, 2016 George Weigel 0

When Ukraine celebrated Christmas two weeks ago, there were ample reasons for pessimism about that long-suffering country’s future. The national parliament is often dysfunctional, even by Washington standards. Corruption remains rampant throughout society and government. […]

Catholics and November 8th

January 6, 2016 George Weigel 0

To redeploy a phrase from President Ford, our “long national nightmare” – in this case, the semi-permanent presidential campaign – will be over in eleven months, or at least suspended for a year or so. […]

Immigration or Invasion?

September 18, 2015 William Kilpatrick 0

Europe’s embrace of mass immigration can be explained in part by guilt from the Nazi era. It’s no coincidence that Germany, which has the most guilt to deal with, has pledged to take in the […]