The New Manna is a Man!
On the Readings for Sunday, August 5, 2018 […]
On the Readings for Sunday, August 5, 2018 […]
On the Readings for March 11, 2018, the Fourth Sunday of Lent […]
“Melancholy is too painful, reaches too deeply into the roots of human experience to permit us to leave it to the psychiatrists.” — Romano Guardini, The Human Experience (Cluny Media, 2018) The word “melancholy”, in its […]
In an interview that I had the honor and joy of conducting almost 20 years ago, in 2005, Joseph Pearce revealed that his vocation is to mediate the encounter of as many readers as possible […]
“Do this in memory of me.” –Luke 22:19 For a few years now, I have observed the slow but steady corrosion of my spelling ability. With the rising ubiquity of spell-check and especially auto-correct features […]
Catholics today are in a difficult position. They have come to believe that active involvement in social and political life is a basic part of living the Faith. But the general conditions leading to that […]
D.W. Winnicott (1896-1971) differed from most clinicians of his generation by not rejecting his Christian upbringing. Unlike Freud’s famous (and jejune) dismissal of religion, Winnicott realized that images and notions of God come naturally to […]
Editor’s note: This essay was originally published by CWR on April 19, 2019. The problem of suffering is one that has plagued and haunted humanity since the Fall of our first parents. Suffering prompts in […]
Some years ago, while on retreat with the Passionists, I listened to a Korean priest describe how he came to America. As a young man in Seoul he had money, girlfriends, a cool car, and […]
In 1933 Romano Guardini published a small monograph consisting of three lectures around the subject of conscience. It was originally titled Das Gute, das Gewissen und die Sammlung – the good, conscience and inner composure. […]
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