The Dispatch

The Materialist in the Mask

February 9, 2021 Dale Ahlquist 33

In 1908, two of G.K. Chesterton’s most famous books were published, almost back-to-back. The first was the novel The Man Who Was Thursday, about a group of anarchists who are actively trying to undermine everything […]


Truth, justice, and the mystery of evil

May 5, 2020 James Kalb 16

God’s unity and simplicity mean that for Him truth, justice, and power are all the same. He isn’t conflicted, doesn’t do half-measures, and never loses. The evident reality of falsehood and injustice makes that hard […]

Ecclesia et Civitas

Lenten Thoughts on Politics

April 2, 2019 James Kalb 11

Lent is a time of retreat and reflection. That can mean very different things for different people at different times in their lives. But it always means stepping back from daily preoccupations and looking at […]