How and why the death penalty deters murder in contemporary America
Too many churchmen simply ignore the evidence that the death penalty saves lives and promotes public order. Catholic public officials charged with the care of the […]
Too many churchmen simply ignore the evidence that the death penalty saves lives and promotes public order. Catholic public officials charged with the care of the […]
In the new, Western, Orwellian political world order, Enlightened appetites have become the measure of all truth. […]
Given Pope Francis’s own high regard for St. Thomas (together with the historical papal approbation he has enjoyed) when it comes to doctrinal issues, we […]
“Catholic dogmas,” says the author of The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism, “are intellectual sign-posts: teachings that point us toward divine truth and that […]
Robert Fastiggi and Dawn Eden Goldsteins’ criticism in La Stampa of my 2016 CWR article about AL §303 is a failure in hermeneutical charity and, more […]
Shawn and Beth Dougherty’s book The Independent Farmstead presents a philosophy of the farm, a philosophy which flows from Catholic social teaching and—delightfully, Thomistic metaphysics as […]
Can the apostolic exhortation help bridge the chasm that, since 1968, has divided moral theologians in matters of sexual morality? […]
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