The Truth is Still Splendid: Pope St. John Paul II’s Veritatis Splendor at 30
John Paul II’s great—and most controversial—encyclical, on morality and moral theology, still answers some of the most crucial questions of our time. […]
John Paul II’s great—and most controversial—encyclical, on morality and moral theology, still answers some of the most crucial questions of our time. […]
Argentine prelate Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect-elect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, should either recant his erroneous positions on sexual morality or resign his post at the DDF. A calm, competent, and clear-eyed […]
Archbishop Fernández’s essay on the controversial eighth chapter of Amoris Laetitia attempted to dispel doubts about that papal document’s orthodoxy but has only raised more […]
As the estimable Larry Chapp recently put it on his blog, Gaudium et Spes 22, “the deepest, most important, most contentious, most divisive, and most destructive debates [after Vatican II] surrounded moral theology, especially after […]
Examining the various components of the philosophy driving the proponents of the sexual revolution, as well as many Catholic progressives, a good summary of their various proposals is simply this: the entire realm of human […]
March 13 ought to have been a happy day in Rome. But the mood in and around Vatican City before, during and after the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’s election was more somber than festive […]
At the “information meeting” of the College of Cardinals this past Aug. 29-30, there was considerable agreement that evangelization is Catholicism’s prime imperative for the 21st century — a consensus understandably gratifying to the author […]
Strangely, this parable of the Good Samaritan, familiar to us from childhood, makes no appearance in the three-year Sunday cycle of the lectionary of the Ordinary Form of the Mass – although it does appear […]
On May 13, 1981, Pope John Paul II had lunch in the papal apartment with Dr. Jerome Lejeune, the renowned French pediatrician and geneticist who identified the chromosomal abnormality that causes Down Syndrome. Dr. Lejeune […]
Pedro Gabriel has penned a response to my most recent CWR article, which focused on the moral theology of Pope Francis. Gabriel’s essay is full of the kind of sophistry one has come to expect […]
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